
Gump and Co, the sequel to this book, is even weirder. Gump captures Saddam Hussein and helps bring down the Berlin Wall.

This show has the best James Franco

Tami Taylor is probably my favorite television mom who doesn't have a big blue beehive

you should

Doughboys better talk about this

That's a perfect runtime for a movie like this

Is Neil Breen involved in this?

Anything that gets Kitsch back in Texas is good in my book. Texas forever.

Cabin walking out to Hulk Hogan's theme song made me laugh like a hyena.

I'd start with the beginning. The Star Wars stuff is great if you're into Star Wars stuff. Aloha wouldn't be a bad place to try it out though.

RSS is great, but it's not something that I recomend people start with. It's fun to watch them develop the characters they would further use in Hollywood Handbook. You should try and give it another shot, they're not really sexist I don't think.

I miss Hannibal.

Stand By Me. That's my answer. Such a good summer flick

Imagining Tommy Lee Jones saying "Daddy's gotta go to work" is making me so uncomfortable

I'm so proud of Griffin. He did so good in this. I laughed a lot.

Anyone else watch The Tick yet?

Big Pun is one of my favorite rappers. I liked him.

I need to stop changing my opinion on Ray every couple of episodes. It's not healthy.

Blank Check has been on a real good roll recently. The Two Friends talking about Suicide Squad was amazingly entertaining, if only because it has the most insane Griffin tweak to a movie yet. And I'm kinda on his side with it, too. I see what he meant

Everything dies in America.