At this point, they are definitely having higher infection rates than the surrounding countries, and are having a lot of trouble, no shock, in their retirement communities.
At this point, they are definitely having higher infection rates than the surrounding countries, and are having a lot of trouble, no shock, in their retirement communities.
Opening things up now will be worse for the economy as well as public health because it will only serve to prolong the recession.
I suspect the Good Fight would do fine on the actual network. As a spinoff of the Good Wife that got rid of the unlikable titular character (played by an unlikable actress) and focused on characters people actually liked from the original show.
Ubisoft’s offer comes with the usual laundry list of caveats. First, the free game is Windows-only—technically, Uplay is Windows-only, since you can totally purchase and download Assassin’s Creed II for macOS elsewhere. Ah, Ubisoft.
Yeah the Times was far more measured than I can manage to be. If you are an individual praising Vladimir Putin’s treatment of his citizens, you can indeed still be sexually assaulted, but you impugn the credibility of everything you say because at best you are a remarkably dumb and gullible individual and at worst you…
Well that sounds bizarre as hell.
And uhhh, if you really have to sell, consider that a juicy concession now might save you from having to wait a lot longer for an even lower price down the road.
The worst part about removing that line is they gave you an excuse to avoid talking about the fact that the rest of the Times write up is a very good explanation of all the reasons that mainstream news outlets did not cover Tara Reade’s allegations as “reported” by the Intercept and a useful idiot.
Another sticking point players have with Vanguard is that it’s given administrator-level privileges on their machines, further opening the possibility for malicious attacks should a shady person or persons compromise the anti-cheat system.
Hang tough. If your manager isn’t a complete doof, they’ll figure out how to manage people remotely eventually.
what I really want to know is why a millionaire who is clearly very sick still working?
I’m a manager and I’m managed in a corporation.
He’s worse than Joffrey.
CCP: This virus was caused by Africans!
They’ve got the broadest coalition currently with the exception of age demographics
Can someone actually explain to my how video calls actually enhance the functioning of any real business in a meaningful way over regular conference calls and the occasional Webex?
The thing that I’m most curious about is what’s going to happen when Sander’s movement gets a more militant leader
Yeah sorry that came out bad.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about in terms of how people who do actual compliance work look a the landscape. “Self-regulatory organizations” are indeed a specific defined term, that only adorable people use.