Me, I have a short-list of shoes I keep my eyes on that I’ll probably never buy because I can’t justify the price tag OR the financial cost to my household.
Me, I have a short-list of shoes I keep my eyes on that I’ll probably never buy because I can’t justify the price tag OR the financial cost to my household.
Biden may lose, he may not, but once again, the utter failure of the youth vote to materialize for Bernie Sanders indicates that he would lose by an even wider margin in the general election.
America has shit itself and the Trump administration wants to talk to the manager about the price and whether it’s worth it to spend this amount of money at this time.
That seems like a creative premise for pandemic fiction. Which also makes me wonder about the future of pandemic fiction. Like, if this winds up killing hundreds of thousands or even more than a million people and winds up causing a recession/depression, how soon will too soon be for adjacent fiction?
privately owned land is very very new in the scheme of human history!
Speaking of Aaaaahnold, I was talking to an acquaintance who is a huge Trump supporter last week, and after dealing with a long conversation involving the usual Trump propaganda on COVID 19, and dealing with a pandemic, I realized that this acquaintance was someone that I neither needed nor wanted to ever deal with…
“don’t be a selfish git”
I get the gut level logic.
What votes are those? The votes Sanders is getting in the primary that he’s currently losing by a wider margin than he did in 2016 despite having more money and Joe Biden running against more people from his wing of the party?
“I understand their reasons,” Ms. Brito said, “But what I don’t understand is why they didn’t say, ‘We’re going to pay you at least half while you’re at home because we’re not letting you work.’
I’m not saying be grateful to your employer moron. I’m saying be grateful in general. When I decided what I wanted to do I didn’t sit there thinking “hmmmm, I wonder what job would be global pandemic proof”. Now maybe you did, in which case you’re an even bigger fucking loser than your comment initially indicates.
New voters as in people who didn’t vote in the last Democratic primary. Biden won those voters, a bunch of middle aged suburbanites who were also critical to winning the midterms in 2018 (as compared to Bernie’s movement which couldn’t wing a single meaningfully contested seat)
Yeah shit’s getting awfully real out there for folks.
“strong, viable movement by the left” End of the day, Bernie didn’t bring new voters to the primary this year, and Biden did. The DNC has nothing to do with the fact that you and your ilk are lazy losers.
If Joe gets the ‘rona then Warren and/or Buttigieg will “unsuspend” their campaigns, which would prevent Bernie from getting to a majority of delegates before the convention and then on the second round of voting the nomination would likely go to Warren or Buttigieg.
Am I a bad person if my first thought was “Hopefully no one”?
The state doesn’t necessarily have to cover rent for the forseeable future right now for everyone though. Only for people who’s income has been impacted by what is going on. While that’s a lot of people, it’s also not 100% of all people.
I mean sure fine, but that’s more on the publishers/managing editors than it is the writers.
I love the lie of ommission in your statement.
Honestly Joan’s frustrations and fears are pretty understandable given her own agonizing personal situation that she so beautifully described in her long essay late last week.