Do You Like Pie, Boy?

Well, one, you say "Saint" Louis the same way people in Columbus insist you hear THE before "Ohio State University". Two: your team just advanced to the NLCS and instead of being out drinking or dancing or whatever, you're on Deadspin complaining that nobody loves you.

Maybe it's because the Cardinals' fans NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.

I'm sorry, but no one has the ability to "make choices without fear of judgement or societal repercussions." People who make believe they can do whatever the fuck they want without repercussions or judgement very likely have some sort of antisocial personality disorder. This is neither a feminist thing nor an

Why? He still did the slide. Do Muslims typically power-slide into their prayer position?

Tebow did his thing on the sidelines. The penalty is applied for going to the ground on the field of play.

It's downtown. Most cities' central cores are ghost towns on weekends, and people planning big downtown events tend to keep NFL schedules in mind when they create them.

Then there's my father-in-law, who fervently believes it's the best beer made in America.

It will, however, usually necessitate the need for adult diapers.

Six people recommended this because they're as illiterate as you.

So a guy doing a dance that has the express purpose of frightening and intimidating its opponents gets upset when an opponent says he's not frightened or intimidated?

I'm sure when James Harden has to play New Zealand in rugby, he'll be properly intimidated.

But don't kid yourself—you're buying beer for the label, according to this recent study.

I don't have this "notion of eminent domain" that you seem to think I have. But I do know the way the roads work where this video was filmed, and it is most certainly a road shared by car and bikes, and enforced as thus. If you like, I can provide specific portions of the Ohio state code that back this up. If you're

Apparently you don't seem to understand that the government disagrees with you and that bicycles are entitled to use the same roads as motor vehicles. In Ohio, for instance, where this incident took place, a state law passed in 2006 makes it legal for cars to pass bicyclists by crossing double yellow lines if

You don't actually understand how the law works, but please, carry on.

Why do you guys always obsess about the lycra?

People on bikes pay the same taxes as people in cars, Black Francis.

Trolling is fun, amirite?

Cleveland's actually kinda pretty. The parts that aren't all burnt down and abandoned, I mean. No, really.