
This is like the comments that think driving a manual will effectively stop a teenager from texting.

Cioppino of course.

If you can’t manage a candy bar and a coke, you shouldn’t be driving.

A person can absolutely eat and drink while driving on a road trip and be completely safe.

Didn’t you just do this one?


I’m 6'2 and fat, but very short of leg for my height. Getting into and out of my Spitfire top down isn’t awful, just a bit of grunting to get my 52yo self out, and a long PLOP down into the seat to get in. Top UP is a non-starter at this point. I am simply no longer flexible enough to bend my torso and gut down enough

Working in manufacturing really opens your eyes to how little the “manufacturer” does. I was just at a shop where a crucial part was made for a company who says all their products are 100% made in another country


At 6'4" my line of sight is ABOVE the windscreen frame on these. I had to wear goggles or sunglasses to keep the wind out of my eyes.

Nice Price, these are much more fun than most things that are supposed to be fun.

Not only that this asshole did it, he was also so proud to film himself and upload it. How safe you must feel to do that. Bet now he will pull the victim card.
What is the maximum sentence he could get? Oh, doesn’t matter...it will be to low for this asshole.

There’s a reason why Clackamas County started getting called “Clackistan” in the mid aughts. Mind you, this was right after 9/11, but it gives you an idea of the far right reactionary Christian theocratic leanings of the people who run that place. I knew police from Multnomah County (Portland) who would regularly get

One of the main reasons small cars don’t tow at US highway speeds has to do with tongue weight.  Simply put, you can’t put enough weight on the tongue to tow safely with small cars.  Most small cars certainly have the power.

Insurance will absolutely be insane unless the demographic gets really responsible in the coming years.

Two quick cuts with an electric hand held sawzall and you can have one out in under a minute. Thieves specifically target 04 to 09 Prius as they are the easiest to steal. Theres all sorts of articles about it.

Hallo Mr Torchinsky, why you say about my product? much designed to reducing the fuel and much save money on environment. Not everyone much can afford great Changli, even we all want one really bad a one! I decide to reduce fuel consumption very much! Thanks for my website, even you say things I know you enjoy about

Get two more adapters and you could have a total of 6 of these puppies installed! You’d literally be making gasoline while you drove!

The Missouri duo will never not crack me up.

So sad that of all the pics on this page ISIS provides the correct example of trigger discipline.