
As if the supporting actor category weren't already packed, have you seen Love & Friendship? Tom Bennett damn near walks away with the movie.

Alphabetical, because that's how I roll:

No matter what else this show will do or has done, the ending of s1e10 will always be in my shortlist of greatest TV moments. Sublime.

Nobody expects someone who's hurting to be their usual self, and if you need to scream, scream away! Please try out the hotline - like I said, I've talked to them before, they're very good at what they do: 1-800-273-8255

Hey, even a howl of rage and frustration is enough sometimes.

Nothing to apologize for, man. It really does help to talk it through, though, so please find someone you're comfortable talking to, even if anonymously. That hotline is really, really great.

Do you want to talk with someone here? Plenty of us on Facebook, won't mind hitting you up for a chat, help you get things off your chest. Whatever you need.

What kind of help do you need? Plenty of people here will definitely have your back. See Baritenor's comment above, too: I've talked with them in the past and they're great.


Picture for La-La Land appears to be a lock, but I think there's a decent chance Jenkins could slip in as director. Granted, George Miller won All the Awards last year until DGA and the Oscars, but still: Jenkins is racking up a pretty impressive awards shelf at the moment, and he's been such a great interviewee on

Picture for La-La Land appears to be a lock, but I think there's a decent chance Jenkins could slip in as director. Granted, George Miller won All the Awards last year until DGA and the Oscars, but still: Jenkins is racking up a pretty impressive awards shelf at the moment, and he's been such a great interviewee on

Favorite moment was syncing Meatloaf's "but I won't do that" with the final scene from The Lobster, which got a full-on guffaw out of me.

Some blue has been added.

Now I really want The Walking Dead villain to be Jordan Peele's character, shouting "No!" and "I'm over it!" at Rick every time he starts talking.

It's that gritty reboot of Pushkin that nobody asked for! Can't wait for Onegin 2017 where Evgeny takes out Lensky with a rocket launcher and Tatyana's nightmare sequence becomes Cinemax-level softcore porn.

If I never accomplish anything else in life, the fact that someone remembered something I said about Brotherhood of the Wolf is all I need. Very much appreciated!

If she refuses the call I'd be happy to take her place.

Sorry, not sure I understand. Michonne isn't there when Rick discovers the border heads, and the comic sets us up to think it's her death instead of Ezekiel's, because we first see the dreads from the back. If you mean the tv show, I'm not saying we're supposed to think it's Michonne in this episode, but that they're

Also, since we're talking comics spoilers, did they just waste the "fooled you with the dreads" moment from the Whisperers border-pikes, when we think Michonne is dead but it's… someone else? Because that's big shock moment in the comics, and here, with the not-Heath zombie, it barely landed.