
Since it's fresh on my mind (I just watched it recently), what's your take on the long takes in Bela Tarr? I guess they don't "stand out" as much since he hardly uses anything else, but it'd still seem to trigger your objection about cinema's need for edits. The opening shot of Werckmeister Harmonies goes on for just

Seriously. Even the trailer to this made me angry.

Ha! Good point.

BTW: If they've brought in Mr. Peanutbutter's ex-wife just to give him and Diane marital problems next season, I'm going to be really annoyed.

It's also the case that there's roughly a billion things everyone tells you have to watch, so it goes from "hard sell" to "bottom of the queue-level hard sell."

I've been trying. I mostly get weird looks, or - even worse! - someone watches the first episode or two and decides I have terrible taste.

Yeah, the credits are different. You can watch the whole rise and fall of Cabracadabra just by watching the opening credits for each episode.

Me, too.

There's been a running conversation among critics and on twitter that a lot of our contemporary longform shows are really designed as isolated episodes that can be reset without changing anything (like when the The Walking Dead spins its wheels), where Bojack pretends to be an episodic show (like the sitcoms it's

I was going to say, it's like the reverse of what they did in The Hobbit.

Also: "You have a funny way of saying congratulations. Not funny haha, more like funny… Doonesbury."

Alongside the nonsense nominations in Sound Editing: Mark Mangini and David White, who actually did win that Oscar for their work on Fury Road. Even the Bojack writers know not to mess with excellence.

He does, however, make awesomely bad puns off his last name like that (I'm not making this up. He keeps a file of them. How did I get so lucky?)

I mean, he was never married to Jessica Biel, but you get the gist.

Likewise - although I admit that the main reason I'm pulling so hard for Diane and Mr. PB is that my husband is basically Mr. PB and it gives me all sorts of feelings to see someone like him on screen. How awfully mushy is that?

It's a great book, so definitely check it out.

Yeah, soldier through - it's not a huge commitment, so you won't lose too much if you do. The opening bits feel somewhat more disconnected than the second half, and that last page breaks me every time.

St. Ex, man. He's a good writer to encounter when you're young, because he's so fundamentally decent, and reading him makes you want to be a better person.

There's no way a modern studio would have done this, but if someone gave me bundles of money to adapt it on the condition I needed a story-around-the-story to flesh things out, I'd have just adapted parts of Terre des hommes (Wind, Sand, and Stars), which covers the period where St. Ex had his real-life crash in the

Based on the screenshots that have been released so far, you got your wish re: Tsoi. Not sure about Polunin, though.