
We’ve got multiple gay characters, an interracial relationship, a modestly diverse cast

I will try to find it, then. Thanks!

Good news! I was operating on low sleep yesterday and confused Wadjda (which I haven't seen) with Jauja (which I didn't love). So there's hope for me yet!

(I didn't love Wadjda either…*runs and hides*)

I loved Summer Hours, too, but it meanders a lot. It's only at the (very powerful, I thought) end that everything seems to come together, and you realize how much the meandering accomplished.

Oh, good. I just saw this last night and thought I'd load up the site to see what people were saying. I adored this movie, and Stewart's performance in particular. Was running through its crazy, overlapping, contradictory themes all night: there's so much to chew on here. Assayas has yet to let me down, but even going

Ditto on both.

For what it's worth, I thought Saul's gimmick was tremendously effective, and the best scenes were horrifying, A+ material. I wasn't a big fan of the plot, though, and that sunk a lot of the movie for me.

Thumbs up on Mustang here, too. The middle section is a little flabby, but overall I liked it better than this year's presumptive winner.

There are some dynamics in Skyward Sword I really liked - like the way the environments get re-used with alterations for later dungeons - but if I never load it up anymore, because I have no desire to play through that multi-hour introduction again.

There are lots of great options, and I'll pick up and play various ones depending on my mood, but Majora's Mask is the only one that's stuck with me outside of the gameplay itself. It's frustrating and weird and heartbreaking, and it's hard to shake.

No real disagreement with the substantive criticisms, but I'd still rather be watching this show than the black hole of suck that most of its first few seasons were. Remember when we had entire arcs with no action, and that involved people talking at each other as if the writers had never interacted with human beings

Thank you!

I love the banana idea but I'm disappointed there's no video.

We must be the squarest of the square, because we're not in an open relationship (13 years, tho!), and none of our friends are in open relationships (that we know of). I don't have any problems with them, I just don't see them as commonly as I guess I'm supposed to. I wonder to what extent this might be generational,

e.g. What if Rand Paul married and divorced Ayn Rand, then married and divorced Ru Paul, then got into a three-way relationship with Sean Paul and Aaron Paul, would he go by Rand Paul Rand Paul Paul Paul Paul?

I feel like this is two steps shy of a great Happy Endings joke.

Why not both! They punish Barton Fink for presuming to know anything about the common man, and also the common man in question is a serial killer. I think they enjoy confounding their own allegories.

What in the world are you talking about?

I mean, if you're asking me, sure, I agree with you: authenticity is, at best, a chimera. But I think the film sets up the opposition pretty clearly - the Coens have only a few lines of dialogue and description in the script, and they use it to set up Ms. Hobby as the Real Deal in contrast to the New York folk scene.