
I don't squirm very often, but that one act of violence near the beginning (you know the one) was tough to watch.

"What if MH17 shot itself? Special 3 hour report on Russia-1, assembled with photoshop and stock footage and narrator who sounds like he just shat a porcupine. Don't miss it!"

Jon Snow at least believes in monogammo..muhummenony?

Nah, it was right the first time.

If you're looking to scratch the itch in the meantime, the book STALKER is based on - the Strugatsky bros' Roadside Picnic - is a goddamn masterpiece.

Yeah, I chuckled a bit at D'Angelo's verb there - Russia "engages" in conspiracy theory - as maybe the understatement of the year. Russian television and online media is a cornucopia of tin foil.

Let me know what you think! It seems a lot of critics are dinging it for being less than scary and totally straight-faced, but that's clearly what he's going for. This is all shadowy gables and outsized drama and stilted dialogue right out of the early 19th century, and it's so much fun!

There's a moment of violence near the beginning that was so intense you heard people shout 'oh fuck' in the movie theater (and another near the end). I might recommend seeing it first, and deciding whether your 11 year old can handle that.

For what it's worth I saw it tonight and I was giggling like a kid through its final big setpiece. I can see why people might dislike this, but holy hell was it made for me. This is gothic done right.

I'd kinda want Charlie along as himself, as in - Charlie Kelly, just there with the team, nobody's sure why or where he came from. Sometimes he tries to take out Rocket with his bashing stick, but otherwise…

Maybe a minority opinion, but I think his Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary is an ideal starting point: you already know the story (it's a mostly straightforward adaptation of Stoker's novel) so you can just relax and enjoy the way Maddin puts his idiosyncratic spin on the material. It's one of his more

I mean, the whole movie is predicated on them bunkering down and not trying to help anyone with their lifetime supply of food and relatively safe setup (not that it'd help in the long run, but it doesn't even cross their minds to bother.) They know people are out there - they even watch them on TV! I don't think they

We've come a long way from Romero's Dawn, where the protagonists were merely narcissists, to full-blown sociopaths.

I read that moment as more of a "Did you guys see Dawn of the Dead? We sure did!"

Yeah, we thought the camera was going to pan over to Catalina Island, which you can easily see from their house on the beach (and which is where I'd hole down if the zombie apocalypse happened, assuming I brought enough water with me.) Instead it just… kept going? Like, "hey kids, did you know about the kelp forests

[Double Impact] is now mostly remembered for its gratuitous close-ups of the star’s ass.

So basically, the protagonists' plan to reconnect with their family members was to lead a horde of walkers into a facility that they know houses a hospital with some unknown number of patients and a dwindling number of soldiers, thereby ensuring the deaths of countless innocent people so that they can pick up mom and

I fell asleep in the first few minutes of the show and woke up that that screeching. Holy hell. I thought something was dying outside in the yard.

They're coming just short of slapping you with the dreaded 'SJW', which is hilarious.

Yeah, I think that's a pretty likely impetus for what he's doing.