
Absolutely. And while I'm a total advocate for having more openly gay actors play gay characters…. I don't think I've ever seen a gay couple with better on-screen chemistry (except possibly in Weekend, and even there one of the actors was straight). I completely buy them as a long-term couple that's still goofy in

Yes, but not sure what you're responding to? My confusion is over how uncurious they seem to be about each other or what they're experiencing.

I haven't seen the episode in a couple of days, but doesn't he see himself in the ring with her, and ask for her help? You're right that they're evolving in different ways and whatnot, but it's crazy to me that everyone was be so blasé about what they're experiencing, even with some level of suspension of disbelief.

Silvestre hasn't been in much that American audiences would have access to, but I very much remembered him from Almodovar's I'm So Excited (he was the most memorable thing about the movie, to put it mildly).

I'm somewhat less bothered by Naveen Andrews' obscurity (there may or may not be plot-related reasons for it - the rules of this universe are a little fuzzy) and more by the lead cluster's non-curiosity about the rest of their members. I think I'd pretty much stop whatever I was doing and try to get answers, or ask a

On the other hand the music in those sequences (the ones focused on people rather than places, i.e. toward the back half of the credits) seems almost ominous rather than loving and celebratory. It's an odd juxtaposition, but I think it characterizes the show pretty well.

Yeah, like you said, the Lito plot (my favorite in the show) is also the only one that could be its own stand-alone movie, with no real need for the other seven. I think they ultimately do a better job integrating the rest of these stories in interesting ways, but I don't think this one every fully gels with the

Two Letters to Cleo songs? Nice try, Ben Wyatt!

To echo what Rowan says, I think those first few episodes are really, really rough - so critics reacting to what they had, rather than to the whole season, were faced with a much lesser product overall. I didn't start getting into the show until episode 4 or 5, and now I'm hooked, but I could have just as easily quite

A Perfect Vacuum is one of my favorite works of his, for that matter.

Plenty of non-Spanish writers do this with sufficient aplomb (although this sounds a lot like Bolano's Nazi Literature in the Americas, too); above all the French Oulipo writers, especially Georges Perec. If you like this genre, Stanislaw Lem's A Perfect Vacuum (a collection of reviews of works that don't exist) is

I think the Bollywood dance sequence (which is totally legit, by the way - the last wedding I went to had a number of them) does serve an important narrative purpose: it's the reason Kala, who's only going through the wedding due to a sense of familial duty, is beginning to second-guess herself and possibly be charmed

Though I do own the box set (natch), I clipped the final strip out of the newspaper the day it ran, and I still have it saved in an album. Makes me all teary-eyed and stuff.

So if Shireen is the littlest Iphigenia, who's going to be Stannis' Clytemnestra? Does Selyse have that in her?

Gawd, if this isn't the platonic ideal of a Wachowski production: extremely ambitious but somewhat half-baked ideas dragged down by terrible writing. Gorgeous visuals, shaky acting. Great setpieces, dull filler. Hot mess all around.

OP isn't saying it's set in Russia, but that the characters are clearly Russian, which they are. It's not just their names: the Russian Orthodox funeral, the Cyrillic writing, the prison tattoos… these are definitely Russians. There's an extensive Russian population in Germany, upwards of a million people.

I don't see any reason for a casual player who may not even like the series to bother with lesser entries, though. There's no real narrative, and nothing gained from playing in progression other than watching the genre evolve - but if someone just wants an introduction to why Metroid is great, and to decide whether to

All of them but Other M are good-to-great, but you should probably start with the best one - Super Metroid - and decide if you want to go any further. If you don't like that one, you won't like the others (but I can't imagine anyone not liking that one - it's a masterpiece.)

This wasn't the strongest season of RuPaul, but I have never laughed harder at the show - or possibly at anything on television - as I did during that Hello Kitty episode. It was surreal and tasteless and inspired and wonderful all at once. Also, I was drinking.

This is so much fun, and warm, and just… yeah. Been listening to it loop since it was released.