
Is there a definition of "book" that would exclude novellas? Because that's confusing to me.

Way to go, Fellini!

27 here, too. I feel like this is much more fulfilling than those "100 books everyone should read according to a respectable outlet that turns out to be a list some random person put together and slapped on the name of the respectable outlet to make it seem legitimate and you were wondering because some of those

It’s mass hysteria in the streets, which Armstrong conveys by having hoards [sic] of extras run around in panic, waving their hands above their heads.

Merdeleines dipped in tea?

Crahan hopes this sort of olfactory sense memory, so evocatively captured in Marcel Proust’s Just Remembering Thoughts, will linger for years to come.

If we abbreviate Crying of Lot 49 asCL and Mason & Dixon as MD, and Against the Day as A.D. maybe we get a year when we add up his … oh, never mind. That's the kind of cockamamie idea you'd get in a Pynchon novel or something.

If I directed a version of Gravity's Rainbow, I'd end it, William-Castle-style, by having the theater itself rigged up with smoke and pyrotechnics as the rocket onscreen appears to hit the audience. During the sing-a-long, I mean.

It's only a trailer, but I wanted to applaud Aunt Reet for being so perfect. Already.

Romany Malco’s disgruntled to the point that he avoids eye contact and phrases his questions as sentences.

Your history of literature is just completely wrong on every level. I know you say you studied it above, but the idea that the rift between so-called elite and popular culture emerges with "youth culture" is maybe the most ridiculous thing I've read today. Where are you getting this from?

I love this movie so much. I think I was one of ten people in the theater when it came through town, though - it wasn't any easy film to sell to people, and weirdly enough, I think the biggest draw was Matthew Broderick continuing his "reinventing himself" mode after the also-excellent Election. Linney got a

Man, I hate to burst your balloon, but your comments are not even accurate if you limit yourself to the poet laureate area - if anything they're less coherent (and since you led off that poetry's "historical value" was "always in an exalted place", you can't really say you were just talking about the last century.)

One of the few books to come out this year that's high on my wish list. io9 was raving about it earlier this month.

Eh, I dunno. I think you're kinda reinforcing what @Sancho92 was saying above about your limited experience with poetry: it "came down from the mountains of academia" over two hundred years ago, and that's when it probably peaked in terms of breadth and influence. I mean, there's nothing particularly academic in

Especially since there's no "the" in Russian.

Funny enough, the Russian title is "Orange: the hit of the season" (Оранжевые - хит сезона)

"What is a cat man and why is he missing?!"