
Yeah, I loved this. The opening is kind of a mess - too much exposition crammed into an unconvincing and badly edited mishmash - but once it gets going…hoooooly fuck, does it get going. The fighting is even better this time around, and despite the length there's not a wasted moment once the action starts. It's

Definitely not a scene from the movie. I wonder why they used that as the still.

Here's Sorbo v. Lawless in a nutshell:

I'll see your Doctor Who and raise you an SNL.

Favorite. I was Team Yara the whole season. Just plain loved her and her kooky sense of humor.

Mostly agree, although I came out of the season kinda cheering for Shangela - not to win, but to go far - because I find underdogs much more compelling. I was team Yara Sofia the whole season, but Shangela grew on me, slowly.

He's a foodie. Of course he's going with the one who provides him a consumable.

That and/or his comment about Santiago's cavities: "You deserved this."

Two quick thoughts on Ratatouille:

Quite possibly my favorite episode of the Walking Dead ever. Not the "best" (it was too clumsy and uneven for that) but we got some genuinely transgressive material (for basic cable) that went full-tilt into camp. I know Zack saw that as a negative, but… Heck, I was both horrified and laughing hysterically. So bad and

Based on the Dostoevsky novella, which has its moments, but is hardly a laugh-fest, so I have to imagine Ayoade made a lot of tweaks.

The Seventh Seal for me. It might seem weaker in retrospect because of familiarity, but I think it's simply one of the best films ever made, and truly nightmarish in a way that burrows down deeply inside of you. But yeah, this was still a pretty stellar year for the lineup. To have been a fly on the wall during

Agreed. I use the keyboard option because I use Czech reasonably often, but the hunt and copy is much easier otherwise.

No worries! I use the Czech keyboard option, and it's where the 2 is on a regular qwerty setup. Or when I'm not at home, copy-and-paste from a website that's using them, because I am lazy.

One of the greats. Daisies is one of those movies that takes people a lot of convincing, but the people who fall for it really fall for it: it's one of the craziest, most anarchic bits of 60s cinema (for those of you who need convincing, check out the scissors fight scene!), and it deserves to be better known. My

My one dislike about this episode is the failure to carry over the theme to the runway. I know they've done "scary runway" before, but it'd have been hilarious to see something inspired by their eras, at least.

btw, Oliver: "I don't remember eating corn!" is a pretty gross (albeit apocryphal) Carol Channing reference.

I read that Mallory scene completely differently, Todd. Yeah, she frequently shows concern for her son, but in this case, she only burst out crying when Lana refused to go rescue him. I thought they were totally crocodile tears to manipulate Lana (which worked), even though she is her usual angry/concerned self.

#corrections: just remember all caps when you spell the man's name

Well, if we define "essence of human nature" as "anything humans do", then it becomes meaningless, no? Since we aren't in the habit of creating quasi-voodoo death cults, and since we tend to recognize them as aberrant rather than typical, I don't think they're an essential part of being human?