
We get this all the time, too. I sympathize.

I don't know if this helps or not, but I met my future husband at 23, and by comparison to our current circle of friends, we're the guys who met at a young age.

Sharing time: our circle of friends, most of them relatively new (we relocated across the country a few years ago) is a mix of atheists, practicing Catholics, and lapsed Muslims, which sounds like the setup for a joke, but it's true. I'm one of the atheists (Catholic-raised), but I tend not to talk religion for

I hated dating so much. I liked getting to know people, but not all the pressure of having to balance a ton of expectations and social cues that, frankly, I'm not the quickest to recognize. This show is letting me revisit the awkwardness with enough remove to laugh at it, and I love it so far.

It's funny, because I've seen people complaining that Looking is just a limp rehash of QAF, but… With due respect to the creators of QAF, which was a watershed series for all kinds of reasons, that show never did much for me. I found it weirdly alienating (whereas so far Looking, even though it's not quite my world

This picture, from the show's premier party, is all kinds of ridiculous[ly hot].

It's extremely rare that I've seen a film just reeking of disdain as much as that movie did. To echo ICP's comment: from the "bitch" comment on, I had nothing but hatred.

It's a deal!

I dunno, man, I don't get that at all from this show. For what it's worth, I'm a gay guy living in about as conservative a scenario as you could imagine - 11 years monogamous, married 5+ years ago - and I don't sense any real self-loathing in the show outside of the usual angst that comes from dating (and which I

Oh god, now I like you even more. One of my most hated movies of the last few years. It was the in-flight movie during a trip my husband and I took, and I actually left to use the restroom as JGL was flirting with the girl at the end of the movie. I came back, and the movie was over, but my husband looked up at me

Y'all can have all these. Frank, without doubt, is the most attractive man on the show.

I had a more visceral cringe reaction to Patrick's inability to play his surprise at Richie's religious icons as anything other than uncomfortable surprise. It's that moment in a date when you're confronted with something that may be a deeply-held, essential part of another person, and you don't have the social savvy

God damn Busy Philipps is gorgeous, too. She told a story about how she and Linda Cardellini went to the same college ("but Linda is older", heh) and during filming the two of them had joined Jenny Craig together, because they expected they had to look like TV starlets. One of the producers stormed into their

This weekend we went to a marathon screening of the first four episodes of F&G (a show we've watched a dozen times over now), and on the way home my husband said "I don't remember Lindsay being that awful at the beginning of the show, but damn, she's not very likeable this early in the season." I know what he meant:

I'm starting to get tired of the lack of variation in this sketch, but god damn, that lined killed me.

Titan Souls made me wish I had a controller to throw. I breezed through the East/West bosses pretty quickly, but the South brain-on-ice took me forever, because the free brain basically obeyed whatever laws of physics it wanted to. Finally got in a very, very lucky shot.

Don't get me wrong: I love "Kenneth", I'm just frustrated that it's literally the only song on that album that still gets play. I'm not saying "Kenneth" is a standard feature of my karaoke set, but… It's a standard feature of my karaoke set.

The drone gets old, but I think the lyrics to "Kenneth" are some of the best they ever wrote.

I'm with you on Monster. "I Don't Sleep, I Dream" is one of my absolute favorite songs of theirs, but it's usually ignored like everything on the album without "Kenneth" in the title.

Back in 2012 Steven Hyden wrote a pretty great series on R.E.M. called "Perfect Circle: an R.E.M. Story". You can read it all here, but it's a very good introduction to a pretty damned good band, whatever its demerits.