
The husband and I celebrate New Year's as well, and have everyone over for dinner on the 1st. Neither of us is religious, and it feels more meaningful to us to celebrate the new year.

It's been said about Woody Allen, so why not?

I actually didn't care for ADP that much, but I think I'm just not the target audience for it. I prefer the shorter singles on it ("Enchanting Ghost", "Heirloom", and "From the Mouth of Gabriel", the last of which probably belonged on Adz, thematically.)

A minority opinion, I know, but 2010's Age of Adz is still my favorite album of his. He has a lot of goodwill yet to coast on.

I'm generally pretty Scrooge-y, but this video did melt my heart a little.

It's hard to tell people this before they see the film (it's a bit of spoiler), but I'd describe it as a film where the audience plays detective and lawyer, too. The film practically begs you to reconstruct what you thought you saw in the first half.

I do agree on the soap-opera-y elements of the story (which I thought got to be a bit much by the end), but the social commentary is certainly there, and runs pretty deeply, although less explicitly than in A Separation. Without going into spoiler territory, the most explicit is probably the power dynamics involved

I'd love this even more if it were Phoenix's character in The Master, just exported into the movie. And they'd make Batman take the scientology test and he'd break down crying in front of Philip Seymour Hoffman. And Amy Adams would be giving Superman handjobs out back (note: a natural development from Man of Steel,

Finally, a situation where a gay male superhero would legitimately be able to save the day!

I don't think I've seen this since the mid-80s, when my parents taped it on VHS and I watched it so often I probably wore the tape into nothing. So it's been almost 30 years, and just reading the title, I had the chorus of "The Greatest Christmas Toy of All" running through my head, in Rugby Tiger's voice.

Perfect. Thank you.

What if I suggest the pony?

Gawd, even reading about The Fight has me all upset and annoyed and amused and happy as I was watching it for the first, second, and third times. Worthy choice for scene of the year, because god damn.

Yeah, that's one the most frustrating things about this article, to me. Slavoj Žižek, Umberto Eco, Richard Dawkins, the recently deceased Jean Baudrillard, the should-be-better-known Dmitri Bykov… This just isn't a tradition as well-established in the states, so the idea that there's something inherent in

My husband is addicted to this show, so I guess he's part of that baffling core viewership. I don't get it.

Atlas mountain range: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia. They even have ski resorts.

No: most of Africa is equatorial and in the Northern hemisphere.

Documentary: The Universe of Keith Haring, 2008

Kitt's version is badass. It looks like she'd slip arsenic in your eggnog as soon as she got what she wanted from you, then she'd move on to the next chump. I love it.

Maybe people thought it was a sex-specific command? You should at least buy him dinner first.