
I've heard a lot of people are down on the season for having a virus as the big bad (at least for episodes 1-5), but frankly, that's the only convincing multi-episode plot that the show's pulled off yet, and it caps off with a genuinely tense, scary episode. The change in showrunner has made a lot of difference. I'm

Co-sign everything here. I'm glad I didn't give up in the first half of the season, although I was sorely tempted to. Not everything came together for me, but what did was great, and they've re-earned a lot of goodwill from me as a viewer.

Well, Bumi's talked about the cannibals before, so I don't know if that's really random. I was willing to buy it because the conceit (a madness-inducing fog) was pretty strong.

Yeah: "10,000 years of worldwide darkness and chaos" is kind of a big threat. Whatever follows can't help but seem like a comedown, stakes-wise.

Naga's fake arms deserve an Oscar.

Eh… It's something to do while they were standing around waiting, though. Better a wall that might fall than no wall at all.

Yeah, I won't pretend we weren't shouting at the television: Build a damned wall, fer chrissakes!

She's got a lot of killing to do.

For me: Hands down, Unalaq vs. Tonraq was the best action sequence in this season, short as that sequence was. It was smaller but much more creative than the others.


It's been quite a week for heroines screwed over by principle: it's Leslie Knope's filibuster all over again.


Emily, I assume the battleship was necessary for a reason established back in ATLA: the sky bison are awesome, but even they get sleepy and can't cross a lot of territory in one flight.

That's what I thought, too: it's Varrick's party, and of course he'd name everything after himself.

I enjoyed most of it, but I can't deny it's got a whole pack of dei ex machina in there, to the point that I started caring less about plot and just enjoyed the visuals.

That's how I read the scene, too.

I would watch this show.

Agreed. A total knockout for me, all around.

Oh look, someone on the internet is mad!

Really minor actual spoiler, since I won't be here to discuss the finale next week.