
Before Midnight for me, and currently leading by a wide margin.  I didn't dislike Upstream Color, but it left me a bit cold.  Nothing else is even on the radar, unfortunately: I've had a very poor movie-watching year, though I still haven't caught Stories We Tell or Neighboring Sounds, both of which sound like my kind

The writing in this movie is so, so bad… and the actors (with the exception of Day and Perlman) are almost entirely unnecessary.  But it's so much fun and it looks so fantastic, it highlights how much of a hack job the Transformers series is.  Del Toro's world is tactile, unusual, and personal in a way that so few

It's apparently in there.  Around the 1:54 mark in the trailer.

The vocal sound effects on this track are just amazing.  Not my favorite song on the album by a long shot ("Wonderful", forever and ever), but it's so much fun, stupid puns and all.

All of them have problems, but I'm partial to The SMiLe Sessions, even though some of the songs lack lyrics.  The sessions version of "Wonderful" is the only one that has yodeling, and that makes all the difference.

Yeah, those outtakes are the reason it stuck in our pop culture lexicon.

My most quoted line from this episode: David Koechner's semi-hostile, hissing "20 percent!", which my husband and I use embarrassingly often when we eat out.   This episode has so many great small moments, and probably the best run of guest stars on the series.  I always like Kevin Corrigan, but I don't think his

But the truth is, the more I became familiar with [Priscilla], I realized that it kind of is a masterpiece, really. It’s so silly that people don’t take it seriously, and it’s kind of a perfect movie. Flawless.

And an actual transgender actress playing the transgender character, which … does that ever happen?  Especially in something this (relatively) high-profile?

Possibly the nerdiest pun on a show full of nerdy puns: Boris Badenov's name is based on the medieval Russian ruler, Boris Godunov (which sounds just enough like "good enough" for the pun to work.)

Minor nit: the idea of a fourth wall is something of a more modern invention in the first place (the old Greek chorus would speak to both audience and characters, after all.) But there are also examples of characters directly referencing the stagecraft as early as Aristophanes.

On the other hand I can't imagine a show like Craig Ferguson working in New York: his lackadaisical, shamble-y production is the right fit for a lackadaisical, shamble-y city.

I think I like U.S.A. more in theory than in practice.  On paper it sounds great.  The broken newspaper headlines are by far the best parts.  The third-person narratives, though, are so awfully written that I couldn't make it through the second book.  It finally beat me with a bludgeon of terrible.

I enjoyed V, but yeah, it's definitely a rough draft compared to GR.

In fairness most of his reputation is built on his English-language novels, with some exceptions (especially The Gift, Invitation to a Beheading and his short stories.)

I totally understand that reaction: I didn't watch the show when it was on-air for exactly those reasons, and just sorta fell into it during syndication.  Now I love it.   I don't know if it's that I've changed, or that my expectations have changed, or what… But I can see why it wouldn't appeal to someone on those

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus : that's a good scene, and it highlights what I think is the quintessential KOTH-style moment: when one character says something reassuring to another (even if it's silly or false or tentative or whatever), and the other character says nothing, but responds with a quiet

Similar situation: we had a gym with group showers, but we rarely if ever used them for gym class… they were only used by athletes post-practice, and random faculty members in the early morning.  Don't ask.  All-boys' school as well.

Oh god, me too.

Huh.  That's weird… I find it easily the 'warmest' animated show on television, if that makes sense.