
OMG someone else from here at TIFF?!? I both love and hate Ryerson. The crowd for MM is great (I already miss hanging with people in line but not the actual standing in line) but god that is an uncomfortable bunch of seating. My group that I go with is thinking of hitting more of the MM next year. Especially

Agreed! I saw this this past Saturday night wuth about 2500 screaming Midnight Madness devotees and had a fantastic time! You have to love being in an audience that's cheering and applauding after every awesome action moment

I am seeing several of these titles in the next week (Yay Toronto Film fest being open to the public!) Am most looking forward to "This is Where I Leave You" and "Nightcrawler". Will be seeing "The Judge" on Friday.

I love you so much right now. Like, almost as much as the salmon ladder. (but certainly not anywhere near Barrowman)

Don't know why not. All they would have to do is move to Canada or the US and they'd have people lined up around the corner to join up.

Liked for the observation, but more for the avatar.

I was seriously going to turn this off (it was too hot to use the remote in my apt), but the Christopher Eccelston showed up, and I literally said to my roommate "where did Christopher Eccelston go? I want to lick his face." Seems like sound reasoning to watch a TV show to me

Saturday was Grosse Pointe Blank and Spaceballs to celebrate John Cusack and Mel Broooks' birthdays. Sunday morning was Ender's Game and South Park: BIgger, Longer and Uncut, followed up with a bunch of Archer Vice (Season 5). I believe that I have spend my PCW in the….danger zone!

Add another one to the list. I've seen this twice! (TIFF '13 and when it was in theatres this year). I loved it both times, but I have a very dark sense of humour.

That could be all the internet commenting-instead of you know, talking to girls? (But you could be talking to girls and not know it here-curse you gender non-specific names!) Or is it the talking to girls that's your issue?

I think we only have to truly worry if the AV Club declares Nickelback not terrible. I'm sure anyone acknowledging that is a sign of the apocalypse

Someone remind GRRM that he is NOT the God of Tits and Wine. (Having tits doens't make you the God of them). Stop booking him on talk shows and talking to him at all. We will happily enjoy the press tour for Book 6-when we can buy the fucking thing!

Good luck @avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus ! I had a great time at my audition at the beginning of the month. Maybe we'll see each other in LA

Is that the same Kevin Williamson who also gave us Dawson's Creek? if so, fuck that guy

Also, all the rapping from about a week ago. Hearing Trebek do "Sabotage" may have scarred me for life.

Is that because it only likes to tinkle in the woods?

Thanks! I've been taking the contestants' quiz for 5 years now and this was the first callback (that I'm aware of-their emails end up in my junk folder). The audition day was fun, the time in Detroit was….scary.

I'm currently in the contestants' pool for season 31. I"m hoping to get called, but 18 months is a long time

So, Starling City is replacing it's shockingly short-lived mayors with The Patrician? I could get behind that for hilarity and amazing-ness reasons-especially as it will likely mean that the League of Assassins gets to formally set up it's Starling branch. (Inhuming since 2014)

There's nothing strange about it. Malcom Merlyn and John Barrowman are amazing and worthy of your (and everyone's) excitement.