merp (né pickmeohnevermind)

Some of us don’t keep pacey with every actor, you know!

I kind of hope they don’t make it too whimsical, though, because I remember those books scared the living shit out of me when I was younger. Especially The Mummy, the Will and the Crypt, which was just terrifying, and what happens to Chad Glomus in that book is not as family-friendly as this looks.

A lot of things seemed to happen on this show because they needed to happen and for no other reason. These are some of them.

Oh please, we all know that the only people who like that scene are fanboys who like it because the minion is played by a clone of Marilyn Monroe and the movie is directed by the artificial intelligence that was once Orson Wells implanted in a Taco Bell fueled robot.

“Did you buy me a zuemz?”

Maybe by the final scene of the second film, sure. After they’re all resurrected by whoever swipes the gauntlet from Thanos...

God, that Minion on the spaceberg. Why is there always that ONE PERSON who has to defend that scene? Look, like it if you want, but don’t try to act like it’s brilliant cinema.

I know it’s cheesy, but I always love the line from Titanic 6 when the bad guy pulls out a missile launcher on Molly Brown and says, “Sink this.” It’s hilariously hammy. Even at 95, Nicolas Cage still pulls off that kind of material.

Hate to admit this but I actually liked him in Clash of the Titans; but not Wrath, Rosamund Pike was the only reason to watch Wrath.

Given the conversation they’d already had, I kind of assumed she’d asked him to marry her.

Note: Scully died on the way back to her planet.

Nothing like spotting a great happy hour special at one of your favorite restaurants on Instagram then looking more closely to find out that it was actually yesterday...

Which is a shame, because that’s easily one of Sandler’s best, if not THE best...

She whispered “We stole this bit from ‘Lost In Translation’.”

The woman who wrote the episode, Karen Nielsen, said in an interview that it was a private moment between Mulder and Scully and that we’ll never know.

Yes!!!! 30 rock for the win! And spot on!

You! I like you.

this is where they got the idea for punch drunk love, yes?