
And there's an ongoing war between the mangos and gazpacho

Right? It was especially confusing for me because the first McElroy related product I watched was the Broth Sampson Monster Factory, and they spend a good couple minutes at the beginning talking about how hot the default character model was.

No way, the creation is the best part. I mean, you'd be skipping over Just Like Bart!

He does look just like Bart, is the thing.

How has nobody mentioned the Daz Monster Factory yet? He's every bassist ever!

I'm torn because that episode is so funny but MAN do I hate looking at that guy.

I just saw "pizza crime is eternal" and I got booted.

He's already president.

I forgot her. Although to be fair, she didn't wanna know.

I loved the scene of Rebecca and Paula's loving mother-daughter moment followed by the reveal that Rebecca's actual mom was there the whole time.

Blam, indeed.

I love Bojack Horseman but I do sometimes worry that it's not about depression so much as the actual worldview of the show is depression, if that makes any sense.

I can't possibly rank all the songs but I got a top five:
(Tell Me I'm Ok) Patrick
We'll Never Have Problems Again
The Math of Love Triangles
Ping Pong Girl

Oh wow that's a good point.

It's not even close.

My prediction is the squirrel with the french fry finds it.

Trent is a fine dish but he is best served in small doses.

I'm just…so happy that next season is going to be about Rebecca destroying the life of a priest-in-training.

I've wanted a medley for basically the entire show so I was practically jumping up and down at that scene.

I'm sure the situation is going to be a lot more nuanced than that.