I'll be disappointed if there are any roles in the musical not played by Kirk.
I'll be disappointed if there are any roles in the musical not played by Kirk.
It was easily the worst part of the movie, although it still better than the incredibly nothing climax of Iron Man 2.
It was hilarious, and that's why it's hated.
Picklematrix is on the board! Suck it losers!
Yeah I always interpreted "Ace" as an unironic compliment. I really don't like Logan, but I actually found that kind of sweet.
If she had said six, we all would've understood.
Jeez, leave some trilogies for the rest of us, buddy.
Yes, Best Animated Feature.
Sweet, I get to disturb this guy!
The worst is the image of the finger Prince joke that's been around where they emphasize finger instead prints. That's…not the joke.
Oh my god, Dads are listening to Smash Mouth now.
Holy shit I just realized that's why Irvine freaks out at the end of disk 1. That actually makes a lot of sense. I can't believe something in this game actually makes sense!
Zell even lets Squall borrow his porno mag!
…really? I never knew that!
Rinoa was the original manic pixie dream girl.
When you get in the fight with that dude on a jetpack?! Or when you're running through a whole LOTR-sized battle scene?! I was loosing my shit when I played that. I once had a theory that all FF games have their climax around the middle of the plot (like a Shakespeare play), and that section was exhibit 1.
oh my god I got to DISK 4 without junctioning and had to replay THE ENTIRE GAME just to beat two bosses and the final dungeon.
This was also my first FF game. It's weird to think that I didn't realize how unusual the junction system was when I first played it.
Yeah I totally thought of myself as a poorly-dressed Squall. I think most people who genuinely love the game were young enough to relate to it when they first played it.
oh god I just remembered how freakishly large Adel. And also she had Rionna surgically attached to her front for some reason.