
Trump doesn't like loser shows. He likes shows that don't get cancelled.

But it says "Funny" on the logo!

Six stars.

I would love a game where you play as Zelda. They could give her all sorts of new magical powers.

Majora probably does have the most soul of any Zelda game.

For a second I actually thought Illana was just wearing a chain belt recreationally.

Wasn't she in the boat party episode?

The only correct way to refer to Richard Hell is "THE MOTHERFUCKER WHO WROTE BLANK GENERATION"

I don't think he cares about getting Television ever since they kicked him out of the band.

Tom Petty?

It can be two things. However, in this particular case, it is only the one thing.

He did murder Mike just because he was pissed off.

I assumed it would end up being a metaphor for something, like the teddy bear eye.

I love how he's appeared twice in the universe, and both times he definitely doesn't win.

People spent so much time arguing over what year Breaking Bad took place in, I was worried that this show was gonna have smart phones and cause people's heads to explode.

You ever try going mad without power? It's awful! No one listens to you!

I was still waiting for the reveal that Robbie was a vampire.

And the last ever Bowie album, don't ever forget

I honestly think that might be the best way. On College Dropout he almost comes off like a normal person, but by MBDTF you're so used to his weirdness that you just go with it.
