JV & His B

I completely disagree. Not because of your points about racism (which I also disagree with), but because Atticus Finch is not a real person, but the person you assemble in your brain when you read some letters on paper. Harper Lee is not shedding light on some reality of Atticus Finch, because there is no reality of

Weirdly, this account is followed almost exclusively by Camptown ladies.

I have a shovel that does a similar trick, but it’s a shame that “OH GODDAMMIT OW THAT FUCKING HURT AND CHRIST MY BACK AND JESUS GARY QUIT LAUGHING THIS ISN’T FUCKING FUNNY” song never really took off.

this guy should know by now not to get all fancy trying to score- just pound it in. I swear some people will never learn.

“I didn’t watch it because, God, who cares.”

Fuck you, buddy.

I just feel bad for his wife, who was forced to listen to 17 terrible jokes the next day.

After us arguing for 20 minutes he agreed to pay me Thursday.

Desmond’s only real error is his failure to realize that if he simply changed his uniform number to 22, he would likely have the highest-selling baseball jersey in the history of South Africa.

“Write on Monday what everyone else will think to write on Friday” -Whitlock

I don’t know Tom, I mean. I am afraid here at Deadspin to say what I think without repercussion. I mean, I get the ESPYs are just famewhoring anyways. I do think reasonable people (not necessarily just Bob Costas) have legit hesitations about hoisting Caitlyn up so unequivocally. I’m sorry :(

Get Tavarish to write a post
“You can buy this Busted Car for the price of an Accord (tire)”

Owen Wilson: Scooooooooreboard!

The most impressive part was watching Christie turn a 42-54-62 double play.

It’s like Bosnia & Herzegovina.

As for all you UAB rifle and bowling supports, it is unclear whether Watts will be announcing either program’s return, though the UAB Football Foundation has reportedly raised $22 million in hopes of returning all three squads.

Can’t believe Tabitha Soren, Kurt Loder, Matt Pinfield, and Jesse Camp all said no.

Why couldn’t you have mentioned this like three hours ago