
If your plan for governance is so terrible that it makes you believe you need a 24/7 security detail, you might want to rethink your plan.

This video should be shown to libertarians, followed by “this is what happens when corporations are no longer ‘tied down’ by government.”

It seems this article may have been based on an idea that wasn’t grounded in reality...

On one hand, I’m honestly glad that we’ve yet to hear anything on Destiny 2. I have more issues when a company decides to “blow their load” early on and reveal way too much that just doesn’t end up being in the game. It also allows hype to build properly with a consistent and steady flow of information/chances to

I’m not sure if anyone has touched on this yet or not, buuuuuuut...

152.3 million- US population in 1950
12.184 million - US population that owned a TV in 1950

163 million- US population in 1954
96.17 million- US population that owned a TV in 1954

TV ownership increased by 83.986 million people in this time for a rate of

TV is not fundamentally much different than radio. People sit around a box for entertainment turning a knob (and eventually a button) when commercials come on. There is nothing really to understand. It takes 5 minutes to adapt. Instead of staring off into space, you stare at the TV. The refrigerator? Plug it in

So the six post basically boil down to “Univision’s condition for making this deal was that they don’t inherit someone else’s mess. But if we make our own mess going forward, we’ll fight it out.”

Nope, common misconception. The most common type of hand sanitizer doesn’t contain antimicrobials. It just dries out the germs with alcohol, which is not a thing they can develop resistance to.

It won’t be that they’re the only ones who can use it, it’s that the others will need to pay a license fee.