
She’s a delicious, moist cunt too.

Our culture is going down the tubes. Trump has capitalized on it. Bee is participant in it. Everyone is complicit.

This seems like a very bad idea. Do we really want to entrust running the country to people who aren’t very good at managing their own lives?

Not even if she was running against Rod Blagojevich.

Chelsea Manning is a shitty person too.

Obama pardoned more than one person who did something awful and I’d rather both Arapio and Manning were locked up.

How were they profiting off racism and bigotry again?

I was the architect of the walls closing in around me.

While bad, none of these are as despicable as Obama’s decision to pardon Chelsea Manning.

If people didn’t work with semi-racists, then nobody would be working.

Why is it racist to expect individuals who have broken the law to remunerate those they have injured?

Lol. Good luck with that leftward move during a conservative cycle.

The 99% needs inexperienced wannabes who trade off their gender and race?

No thanks.

It won’t matter when the Democrats lose seats in November by moving to the left.

I’m angry that you put those spicy jalepenos on everything.

Trolls can get fucked.

The Root comment section is not ‘society’ bruh.