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The first thing I thought of after I read your comment;

About 2 minutes away from where i rent a condo

That's what I'm trying to say; forget trying to design your way into their wallets, you can't squeeze blood from a stone.

To back up Clemson's study, here's my 18 year-old mellinial son and his 6-passenger car that neither CUV nor SUV.

Exactly, if car makers really REALLY want to sell to Millennial, they will give them jobs and stop patronizing them in stupid designs, dated ads and outmoded thinking.

See: Scion

Ahoy hipsters! have I got the car for you.

You know what Millennial's can afford? Used cars.

Best part of the vid:

Shall we list the reason why this is the worst fail and for the sake of those that have youtube blocked in their office.

It's true that teens are getting their licenses later, but how does that explain slow car sales among people in their 20s and early 30s? And I'm sure plenty of younger people want to live in walkable cities, but I'd wager just as many — if not more — want that house in the suburbs where a car is a necessity.

As a recent college graduate (2 years ago this December), I can say that the reason most "millenials" aren't purchasing cars is DEFINITELY due to:




"Whatever. Go fetch my car! "

2JZ! Because you know why... Supra.

If Al Qaeda wants to fuck with us all they need to do is sit back and let us fuck with ourselves.

So, it's a shitty ad. Not the frist, won't be the last.

As an FR-S driver, this makes me ashamed. Time to buy Toyota badges?