

BRB, going to GameStop to buy a used copy of one of those Burger King games for the Xbox 360.

yeah, because the roadhog ult and genji ult were both aimed at roadhog. weak sauce article is weak sauce.

Really? You’re driving non-stop from Chicago to Salt Lake? You can’t stop in Denver? Not for one of the intervening 23 days?!

Too bad Japan doesn’t have a wall to keep his sort out. Maybe we should hurry with ours so he can’t get back into the U.S.

Hahaha! Look how funny and normal he is! You could almost forget him secretly funding Trump support and far right efforts online! Because, he likes video games!

This is Prey to the Gods?

I kinda want to play the German version, to be honest.

I don’t get it. I’m pretty sure Star Wars is more violent compared to Overwatch, considering it has scenes of body parts dismembered and stuff. I mean, if you look at the Overwatch animation shorts, they resemble a lot to Pixar movies.. And heroes don’t really ‘die’ in games, considering they always respawn.

This is why trademarks over common words are stupid :|

Gotta love when older Halo games let you explore instead of putting invisible barriers and kill zones everywhere you go :(

I want to see all movies in the future use gamertag credits.

I suppose it’s all about rankings and such, but if he actually showed up I don’t see why he doesn’t just try his best with what he has at his disposal. Could still do pretty well and walk away with a bit o’ cash.

Found myself feeling the same way. I have way more fun in Mystery Heroes when I don’t want to play seriously, because at least then the Hero picks aren’t anyone’s fault so I don’t care. But QP just feels pointless.

Fun fact: the red stapler was not a product made by Swingline until after Office Space made it popular


Not advocating it so much as guessing it’s what will happen. I would never advocate anybody spend any time on the internet; everyone deserves to have a brain less rotted by the internet than mine.

Fuck me, man. I should have been born way later than I actually was. This stuff would never have happened back when i was young enough to be competitive.

I supposed it’s better than Semi-hot homeroom teacher that slightly hates you less over time.