
Neat, but wish the mod went further. Replace the police with some bug people, and we’re in business.

That .Gif on the bottom of the page is just all kinds of wrong..... But it’s awesome at the same time!

I can only imagine the response if I wore a Spartan MKIV armor, would I be confused as an alien invader?

The police waste all their time on things like this, meanwhile the Tunnel Snakes are still running wild, terrorizing the public with their aggressive and provocative dance moves.

Nintendo must love losing money to scalpers.


The fact that this is all being filtered through the lens of (apparently human) researchers just makes the whole thing even weirder.

I actually get more excited about Splatoon lore than actual multiplayer content. The first game was so disturbing and I just want them to go nuts and explore that even more in the campaign. I had no intention of buying Splatoon 2 but that promised campaign reveal will probably change my mind.

Yeah, my initial impression is they’re doubling down on the “Inklings are actually the bad guys” vibe. The Octarians just want power to survive, and you take it back because your shopping district might not light up as much. The Salmon need their eggs to...well, reproduce, and Inklings are lining up to take the eggs

I hadn’t even considered this, but the plot thickens!

Oh yay, another shoehorned campaign in a multiplayer game.

If you decide to use the overlay that Bret Bento made, the steps for making the drop shadow are pretty simple in photoshop. First, find an image. Then select the character you want to persona-ify. Duplicate them twice.

Another lesson: give kids their own accounts. Even if they’re five and only play a little bit every now and then, you’ll want to set up a wall between your saves and theirs. Plus, keeps them from accidentally loading up something M-rated.

This looks like it’s shaping up to be the next best thing since the Guardians of the Galaxy movie(s).

Really digging the trailer. Didn’t expect the “Yes”!

Ah, now eventually you DO plan to have Ragnarok in your, in your Ragnarok movie, right? Hello?

Identity theft. Just part of the circle of life.

True to form, I downloaded it, selected a level, then stared at my controller for hours waiting for some kind of response, cried, then downed a bottle of wine.

Hey, that looks pretty ok. The subtle changes around the eyes/increased eye movement made a big difference. The cutscenes just got a little more tolerable. I can’t wait for the ability to skip takeoff/landing cutscenes. Just send me to the damn planet already.

That would be like having to ask John Carmack’s permission to make a first-person shooter. There’s no copyright on a game mode or genre, so you can’t infrige unless you literally copy & paste the same code or steal assets.