
I’m still waiting for the Joy Fuck Club.

Archie was/is the butt of the joke.

That’s a better argument and I have watched a daytime soap in awhile- at least a decade and a half.

It was Herpes- hardly something to be suicidal about. And it’s the Sun that’s like believing the Enquirer.

I’m sure the PMRC didn’t sound dumb to the people who wanted labels and warnings. And I’m sure the Moral Majority didn’t sound dumb to its supporters either.

A lot of people are stereotypes and it’s because of the pressure that is asserted around them by their environment and culture. There are a lot of people who find comfort in conforming. I don’t think people have has much agency as they’d like to believe. It’s hard to break away from shit and most people in the real

But there is truth to it- not all Italians are like this- but there are a lot who are. I grew up around them. My friends dated these types of guys. Being of Italian heritage myself it sickens me when people act like a stereotype but they do. I’m going to call it when I see it. It’s part of their “identity”. The

I said stereotypes and he is. I saw and grew up with these types of guys. They exist.

I found the religious aspect sort of funny. I come from the liberal northeast, where for the longest time you couldn’t buy alcohol on Sundays and in Connecticut packages stores closed at 8pm until fairly recently. Yet in Ohio you have drive through liquor stores. Vermont is another weird one- one of the most liberal

For the shows you’re comparing apples and oranges. One was is cable and the other is network- there’s a vast different. Cable has always been freer because you have to pay for it. Network television, wasn’t paid for and under a different set of rules. And in someways TV was better in the 1970's: Good Times, Welcome

I would too. I mean hello, the Cultural Revolution?

I’ve been saying this for a while but a lot of the left has been reminding me of the PMRC and the Moral Majority.

It’s the new moral majority.

It’s not just about them-it’s about groupthink too. People want to be surrounded by echo chambers and anyone who doesn’t conform to their notions of what it means to be X is shamed.

I agree with you. People on the left sound like people on the right and vice-versa. I see it on my friends’ feed on twitter and facebook. They’re people who take it too far on both sides. If I can piss off both sides I feel like I’m doing something right.

He brings shame to the Italian American community- he’s a fucking stereotype piece of trash.

I believe her; as an Italian American, well part, he’s you’re typical Italian American stereotype. I fucking hate him for that. I’ve known plenty of guys like him and they all dated the same type of girl. You can find them from New Jersey to Massachusetts. He’s slimy- always has been. I bet he had a Trans Am or

I refuse to have a victim mentality- it ended up killing my aunt and mother. They didn’t know their power. I do.  

No and fuck off for reading into what I said. I’ve been assaulted by both genders and sometimes it was my lack of verbal assertions that got me into that situation. One has to be able to say No and walk away- especially in cases like Aziz.

It seems to be all about being the victim- and that really pisses me off. Women have power but they are letting people and social media take it away.