
No one mentions it because mental illness shaming is okay and people don’t actually know a lot of about different aspects of bi-polar disorder. It sounds like he was in what is called a mixed-episode, essentially meaning you’re experiencing it all at once and for who knows how long. Yes, people can take medicine for

Why would anyone deserve a second chance? Maybe no-one deserves it, ever. But we should grant a chance at redemption because we’d want it for ourselves too.

When doesn’t Morrissey have something stupid to say.

I can’t get into them because of the fans.

Ian Curtis is a god and his lyrics are poignant.

Well considering I’m white, I would say I have spent sometime around them. I stayed away from women like that when I met them. And I was just as confused by the fuss over Jennifer Anniston (I actually didn’t know who she was for the longest time) as I am by Lena Dunham. Both shows are boring and have too much whining.

I never understood her appeal. She’s has to be one of the most unfunny and boring people out there. She’s untalented, tedious, monotonous, and a hack. She’s not even white; she’s beige. I really loath her and I hope she just fades into the wall paper.

Why are we even still talking about her? She’s not funny nor is she witty. She’s beige. Maybe, just maybe she’ll go away. And Girls was tedious and tiresome. My sneezes are more original than that show.

My husband honestly thought people were talking about the dessert for a while. I really wanted it to be a secret Sarah Palin account; I realize that would be Half-Baked Alaska though.

Yeah, umm, No. I mean there are ways to infuse Mexican and Italian but this isn’t the way.

Keep thinking you’re as innocent as you think you are Pat Robertson.

Shouldn’t it be the whole crew? This is one reason why I dislike internet justice, it’s like watching a crowd of peasants with torches and pitchforks. People want revenge and they don’t care what happens to the innocent people involved.

Have you ever been to fetlife?

I’m not defending violence against women, as a woman I know it happens and have first hand experience with it. Yet, I’ve also been on the other side of it. Why do people get bothered by brutal honesty when it might not meet their own narratives? His actions were wrong, as were mine. But I’m not going to say he is a

It can make a lot of difference when you say “I’ve gotten high”. I made the choice to drop acid a long time ago but I didn’t choose to catch my ex cheating on me during that particular trip. Yes, I was responsible for my actions, but I was already in an elevated emotional state. I can totally see how something might

High on what though? Coke, smack, x, meth, weed, or something else? Have you been totally out of your mind?

The issue with a stance like yours is the lack of honest reflection. Our society doesn’t hold value for, or promote, reflection of any kind nor do we value honesty; we praise knee jerk responses; we want vengeance; we want to be the people with pitch forks and most certainly don’t want to have to think about our own

It was two decades ago and he was fucking high, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had been abused too.

Maybe the momentum will move to the Western part of the state. It would be great if the racists where run out of the hills surrounding the valley. Then it will spread into New Hampshire, well I can dream.
