
Well to be fair Ohio isn't the North.

I guess you're not from Foster/Glocester.

You do realize Muslims run their own countries right? Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, shall I go on? Tell my how are they marginalized? Please? Was it because they moved to a country with different set of values that they don't respect? Oh well poor babies. Lets demand respect but kill people while demanding people bend to

Did you really think you'd get a rise out of me over the Catholic comment? Why single out Catholicism, what about Baptists? Assembly of God? Evangelicals? They're all fucked just like Islam. So yeah get over your self That's laughable. But yes, like the entire Christian religion, and all religion. Religion is

Yes it does. All people who live in a free society have the right to mock. Why do you think you have the right NOT to be offended? Are some special little snowflake? Religion especially deserves to be mocked. Religion offends me, so let me make a hamburg with their sacred cows. I will NOT stop offending you or anyone

Fuck having respect for some "marginalized" community especially the one's that treat women like shit, behead people, jail people for blogging, fuck them and fuck you.

No, we were to poor.

whatever, you really don't get apathy.

No, she wasn't pretending. She is friends with them. She is a good person.

I hope she continues to be a good friend that doesn't hurt her. It's not about leaving a friend because they made a *bad* choice. It's about being honest an forthright with a friend because they are fucking up their lives and someone else's in the process. I'm glad you both have been able to remain friends. That's a

But like another poster said she knows he's fucking married. It's not being judgmental, but stupid actions need to be called out like. Sometimes in a blunt way. I don't see how she is such an awesome friend. I had a neighbor who slept with a friends husbands (including mine but we are open which is another story)

Poly people hurt my brain. Sorry.

I would advise them to stop it; first that situation is not ethical and they are both morally wrong. It's doesn't sound as if it was an open relationship or polyamorous. He was cheating. They both were hurting the wife. I'm sure your friend would just have loved it if her husband was cheating on her.

Would you like cream? It also explains the nutty taste.

Whenever I see articles like this, I roll my eyes. It's not for the reason you might think. It is like you just found out about this. I guess its different when you live some place that this was the norm.

I'm white and can't tell Northern Europeans from each other, tbh.

I was wondering what happened to Uri Nader. I heard he became a bathroom attendant.

one of my few wet dreams. Is it weird for a girl to have a wet dream?


Not how it was phrased it, I was on my phone and I hate typing on that thing. Maybe I just misread it, but this whole conversation is based on US law for teens so comparing our laws internationally seems unnecessary because we are only talking about the US. I totally agree it should be 18. Interestingly world wide