
thank you, thank you. This, this, is so spot on. Like bi men, we bi women get crap from lesbians. I know of a woman who got ran out of a lesbian scene for getting pregnant. It was like the only time she had sex with a man as well. We forget Oscar Wilde was bi too.

For me, I left home the day after high school graduation. I went to the Museum School in Boston and we didn't have dorms, or a campus at that time. So on June 20-something in 1991 I left a small town in Connecticut to live in Boston and the surrounding areas. This would be my advice: be open minded; meet everyone you

He never wore it. It was a gift that just sat on his dresser.

I want him to smell like old spice. I know, weird. But I loved wearing my dad's old spice as a teen.

We sort of were as well.

It seems gawker was taken over by reddit rejects.

That's why they are passive. Drugs. Lots of drugs.

why is it controversial?

No, the students are wrong. They are hurting themselves.

I love snake; I've had boa and rattlesnake. It reminds me of a mix between chicken and cod.

Here's one you forgot

Because it's not. I hate when vegans use the word cheese. It's not's not cheese; it's nothing close to cheese.

Well you know their mother starves them.

Working at the Grand Canyon I can attest to the stupidity of people. A guest stood outside of one of the Rim lodges and played a recording of a female Elk in heat during rutting season. I so hoping he'd go over the edge.

I don't think that is what the bad thing is; the bad thing is how AA got wind of him coming out before he made it public and tried to piggy back. It would have been more appropriate had AA waited until he was publicly out. I maybe mistaken but that was my take.

That's what pegging is.

I honestly thought I was the only who went through that.

It doesn't have to be- I live in DC and pay about 1000 for my mortgage- that's everything taxes, etc. I have access to quality museums, farmers markets, green space, local everything, and neighorhoods. I traveled to so many places that they end up in a blur. I was driving down a street in suburban MD and it could

I disagree. I see someone who perhaps is putting their own bias about cities. You may not like cities and prefer smaller communities but not all of us do. Some of us prefer cities to small communities. City mouse country mouse.

I honestly thought he was trying to be Pete Townshend.