Phylis Teen

Yeah, it’s like white people crying reverse racism for black people creating BET, black universities, and black magazines. Um, no. You consistently throughout history made it clear we aren’t welcome in “your” spaces and participating in “your” society, so we made our own. It’s an attitude of “you don’t deserve ours,

I do ingredient education/product knowledge for a luxury skincare brand and La Mer is egregiously overpriced for what it is. They use very outdated, cheap ingredients (mineral oil and petroleum) for anti-aging and tons of fillers and artificial fragrance, which is an irritant. Even Glossier or Drunk Elephant has

It’s like guys trying to empathize but ending up minimizing a uniquely female experience: “I totally know what it’s like to have horrible menstrual cramps every month for days from age 13 to age 50, I was kicked in the balls once.”

Oh, I totally agree that what someone is wearing has no bearing on their character as a person. Unfortunately, critiquing fashion choices of famous people is a sport for some. It was just an observation of what other commenters are pointing out about it being an obvious racial issue where no matter how nice Megan

Also Princess Di wore horrible biker shorts and oversized college logo sweatshirts, plus that feathered pixie cut, yet she was somehow a fashion icon? Gtfo. 

Just drawing the parallel of the founders of The Wing not punishing the person in the wrong and the exact same way my company (and many others) go out of their way to not upset white offenders. It’s also crazy that scenes like this happen pretty regularly with white women at my company (we share stories daily) but have

Oh, and to top it off, after half an hour calmly trying to de-escalate screaming yoga girl, the two (white) women in corporate who are my bosses tell me the most important thing is keeping the customer happy and they tell me to give her the $500 in cash as a “one time customer service exception.” Mind you in my four

Omg, I have too many stories like this just from the past couple months. I live in New York and the amount of young supposedly “woke” White women who behave like this is astounding. But they’ll swear up and down they aren’t racist. I think people confuse racism and white superiority. Many white women are socialized to

It’s also the very gross straight male obsession with teen girls. Think of how much disgusting “barely legal” porn is out there. I see grown men gawk at 14-15 year old girls all the time. Professional sex workers and call girls are adult women. Epstein wanted girls, not women. 

Yeah it’s ingrained entitlement and privilege of being the “superior” gender. Why would a superior care about the comfort and boundaries of an inferior? If I’m superior and can do whatever I want, who’s going to tell me not to? It starts young and is so deeply embedded by adulthood it’s almost impossible to reverse. I

This. But your last paragraph sums up the problem. Men (especially white men) are not socialized to be this observant, socially considerate, or empathetic to obvious boundaries. I’m a black woman who has dated white men, and let me tell you the levels of cringe worthy, out of whack lack of basic social

Exactly. I’m in my thirties and am the only one of my friends to not get pregnant in the last three years. Every single one of them wanted to have the baby. Every single one of their boyfriends freaked out that they weren’t ready to be fathers and pressured them to get abortions. Men love sex, hate condoms, and lose

My favorite is “Check your lipstick before you talk to me!” Lol, so savage.

Right, I used to point out the similar double standard in high school. If teen girls are supposed to keep their legs closed, not be sluts and stay virgins as long as possible, but teen boys “can’t control themselves” and are high fived for getting laid, who are these 15-18 year old boys supposed to be having sex with?

I always joke with my gay male friends that Tinder is just hetero Grindr. It’s just that straight men can’t be honest on an app with straight women about just wanting sex because, even though we’d like to think we’re so evolved in 2019, that kind of open no strings sex is still frowned upon in mainstream straight

But he would simply walk to a neighbor’s house and they’d use their phone/computer or contact authorities for him to get his parents. There’s just too much lighting fast technology these days. There would already be Facebook and Instagram posts from his family (just DM them that they left you.) no neighbors around

Yeah, they pull the rope ladder up behind them. 

I’m from a town close to where he grew up. My ex went to high school with him and said Kid Rock was from one of the wealthier/posh families and just invented this persona as a teenager when he got obsessed with the idea of being a musician. He would drive the really nice car his parents got for him around to where

Yeah, when I see nude scenes in ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s movies or look at old magazines, the breasts were tear/pear shaped and had a little droop to them even if perky. They had a slope on top, not unnaturally round on top because breasts don’t do that due to gravity and the fattiest part naturally being on the underside

Brings to mind another racist airline incident where there was an emergency and a black female doctor volunteered to help, and the flight attendant condescendingly told her to put her hand down because they were looking for “real doctors sweetie.” Lawsuit. I think that was Delta.