
@WittyUserName: I wish my iPod Touch WOULDN'T try to pull that version of the page. Only recently did clicking "view full version" start working again.

@aarchadspaypal: and don't even get me started on the contractors that hang around there arguing about LG and Whirlpool dishwashers! And then they try to drag me into it!

@ppppp: UT3 360 doesn't support user generated content.

@Ozymandias: Promoting entire thread just to show that both companies are acting like babies. Thanks for the rhetoric and the counter-example, fellas! #valve

@GuardianOfChaos: No, but whenever I'm in GameStop and there's some kid in there with his mom so that he can buy Halo Wars I always, always, always have to butt in and ask if they know what exactly it is that they're buying. That it's not another FPS but a RTS. 2 of 3 so far have said that they played the demo so

@Nyctus: "you better be buying it if i have to go all the way up there to get it"

@Charles Chapman: Goo Gone. Wal-Mart or any craft/hobby store. Feels good man.

@bkchurch: The difference between a telemarketer and a salesman is that you're entering their domain expressing interest in a product that they offer and that they're trying to simultaneously provide value while making a higher profit margin by offering you products that are related.

@HowardC: They have to because they need to reach a two-per-day quota for pre-orders, for example.

@DirtyColossus: True, but with the 360 "servers", it's a revolving door of people who are actively playing. We have no dedicated servers at this time (though with the update it's said that they'll add that support like they did with L4D). So it's constantly changing but that threshold of people is there.

@gold163 (° д° ): Jesus. Yes, because that's what one of the three founding members of the Kotakuites Steam Group just simply does. Hates PC gaming and PC gamers. Please.

@MrMcdoobie: I don't do drugs: Search once, stop, search again. Never search ranked because it also is broken. Only player match.

@Eran: Kojima-san Does Not Have To Make Metal Gear Anymore: It's not impossible, and promises are still being made.

@ZombieFever: This is an old argument. The current one is that they're working through technical snafus because the 360's memory is a paltry 512MB. An acceptable hurdle, but we've heard the same damn thing since early '08. It's time to start communicating and none of this "we'll have an announcement about updates by