
@MSUHitman: Exactly. Party Chat protects people. It's a nice, secondary shield.

@bhannon: MLG has been the worst thing for the gaming community. Bunch of self-serving corporate bullshit that relies on handouts from other corporations while feeding them the lie that it's what customers' want.

@potatojenkins: Oh, I didn't want it "pulled" and I don't know if they're able to salvage anything from doing just that.

@WhiteMage says fix the comments grr: I have an idea how they're seeing them. If they're promoted comments and they're viewing only promoted comments, more fit on a "page". Viewing older comments are broken, but they're able to reply since all the "slots" aren't taken up with unpromoted comments, which is what a huge

@Jekku: People should really reconsider their purchases, anyway.

@chikarachi: Sure, but the gag is prefaced by calling people "pussies". There's absolutely no escaping what the purpose of the word is, and it's not to call people "cancer sticks", it's to bring a derogatory word and lay it at their doorstep. #modernwarfare2

@Windrummerboy: I don't play shitty games that can be broken by a play mechanic.

Hey wait a minute! This is the Halloween-After TAY! Where's everyone's costumes?!

@maxerus: No, before I was still willing to /sorta support/ IW in spite of Activision. By the game used, but buy some DLC so that they see a bigger chunk of my monies.

@Zer033: But it has EVERYTHING to do with homophobia and sexuality. It is taking imagery of a stereotype and invoking the masculine brutality of beating it down like it's a righteous or healthful thing to do.

@mass9: Then maybe they should put some sort of limit on how many you throw.

@Griffehpoo: Plus the fact that the person qualified to detonate it shouldn't be on a suicide run.

@MasterOmega: Master Omega! I firmly believe that this here is flamebait. Which leads us further to understand that it is you, Master's, trolling, so it should be known as Master's bait.

@Cojo21: I'm definitely not going to dispute the decision. I just can't see where people might've replied to my chiding of them. #alexisraven

@MtlAngelus: {watches someone's head spin in rotations} What /is/ that. No, seriously... OH GOD WHAT THE CHRIST IS THAT #nsfw

@tiberseptim: This. Bill provides the "grace under fire" for that group and sets the bar for the other characters. I don't know what L4D would be without him.