
@LuckyAoi: That's right. Because there's always something to do at work. That's why it's called /work/.

@Outkastprince: Did you just confuse the decent 12 Stones with the abhorrent Linkin Park?

@Omnimon: If they promised the same treatment as they did for Hendrix, then uh, yeah, you have Activision lying.

@Harlekin: Wow, do you have any reading comprehension, or do you just read the things you like?

@DennisStork: Konami is actually going to be doing something relevant? Fin-fucking-ally.

@tk.: But they don't know about it. And have already probably caved to allow their kids to get any of the T rated rhythm games. It would've been nice a year ago, now not so much.

@FriedConsole: Guitar Hero Metallica is not needed in it's current iteration.

@bkld18: I'm sorry, Beat-what?

@muffin7: "This series needs a SEROUS overhaul"

@Trey: I love ska. 3rd Wave. That and Speedwood.

@RamV10: Make it two years and you've got a winner.

@Wolfgeist: I don't find it hard to believe. T2 is/was "a major company in modern times" and stepped in all sorts of legal dogshit, Jack Thompson notwithstanding. I totally believe that Activision/Neversoft would drop the ball.

To all of you Activision/Neversoft apologists that were like "blah blah you're such a hypocrite what's the difference between this and TB:RB they can do anything they want with him blah blah blah".