
@Julimano: I said hey man nice shot

@dougyfresh: I have one fucking word for you.

@brainboy77: Man, you did so well until the last half. Yeah, enjoy your devoweling.

@Asdafaffle: Oh, yes, your little picture representation here leaves you room to talk.

@jayislost: Hey now. All it means is now I can say stuff like "YOU WATCH YOUR WHORE MOUTH" or something.

@deanbmmv: Oh, yeah, definitely tried doing that already but to no avail. Just catch me the next time I'm online and we'll get some stuff done.

@Godmars: Valid. Then again, redundant since people are paying for LIVE anyway. The first time I heard of people who had internet access and only Silver accounts was the few I ran across on Kotaku.

@Dillon Barfield: Hey, FaceBook registrant. Contribute constructively to the conversation or GTFO.

@deanbmmv: That's probably before we started working on stuff together. As you know, I'm just slightly less of an asshole to people that I work on projects with.

@BryanH: You sure you don't mean "Fahrenheit 451"? Fahrenheit 9/11 is a Michael Moore film that, yeah, has to do with 9/11. Guess it's not THAT well known.

@Godmars: It's not really work when you're reaping massive benefits.

@Recoil: There's reasons, and most of them have to do with laziness (integrating massive databases into forum software. That's like, work, man.) and money (hits on some forums take away from site statistics for ad revenue for the main site).

@Brad League: You people are such cock monglers. Especially you facebook registrants.

@Draco_2k: As long as you guys keep saying stupid shit like "zomg don't get the 360 version EVAR!", then yes.

@Psychopathic Assassin: And that one time snapped your "on LIVE since" right in two. This sort of information has always been available in our account information where I'd muse that it would occasionally reset to Month-To-Month payment option and say that I've been on the network for only that amount of time. I

@Invisible-Echidna: Indeed. If MS and Valve allowed this for TF2 360, I'd allocate at least 4 machines for this purpose.