
@GoonerVance: It's okay. Even those with capable PCs want a TF2 360 updates for our 360s.

@Beximus: It is a subject of much musing.

@shwing: I recently bought GH:WT used and on the cheap, so I figured I'd go ahead and play through it to get the achievements.

@Dlord: Duke Nukem Forever, confirmed!

@RPharazonius: Maybe this makes me a bit of a cheater, but I don't play L4D without full captions.

@NachoDudeX: Can the science be a branch that's not physics? Namely physics puzzles?

@2c-b: Something like that might be awesome for Natal.

I've got some sign language for them if they don't hurry the fuck up with HL2:Ep3 and TF2 360 updates.

@Archaotic: Jedi Knight II with multiplayer capabilities intact for XBLA. This is all I want. I would even accept JKIII if necessary.

So. Who's up for TF2 360 tonight?

@Kyosuke_Nanbu: Great. Now you've given me an idea for a porn site, and I can't talk myself out of it being a good idea.