
Needs more info to determine if it really is peanuts. Or macadamias.

True but having checked dodges website.....96 months is the default option with longer possible. Thats terrifiying that i could still be making payments on my mini van after iver replaced the tranny 4 times and its a decaded old and worth only scrap value if youre lucky....

“I drove by a company that sold manufactured homes, but these were repossessed manufactured homes. I would not want to be a manufactured home repo man. Those would be hard to sneak away. Knock, Knock, Knock. “Hi…could you go…cut your grass? Then look that way for half an hour?”

Problem is people, not the banks. They need to teach finances in middle school and high school.

Those sorts of loans work if you plan on keeping a car for a long time. They don’t work when you’re a dumbass travelling salesperson and think that you can now afford a 5 series with your $600 a car allowance, and 3 years into the loan it has 160,000 miles on it and you are upside down approximately $25,000.

Now playing

As a motorcycle rider, that is simultaneously awesome and my low-key worst nightmare. If I got dusted like that, I’d just pull over, set my bike on fire, and hitchhike home to some sad music:

Wait, did Harrison already find you?!

There’s got to be a German word for exactly this scenario. Something between fremdscham and schadenfreude...

MACY GRAY. Like, wow, are we calling back to 2002?

Shots fired.

Anyone who is payment sensitive and buying a luxury car is leasing it. The 7-8 year loans are on crap cars that don't have decent lease rates because they are crap cars. You find 8 year loans on Chryslers and Mitsubishis, not Audis and Lexus. And that exacerbates whatever problem this is, and I do not agree that it is

It DEFINITELY won’t be worse. This is only a bubble in that there are a lot of shitty long-term loans out there. But car prices haven’t been steadily increasing over the last 60 years; they’ve just been keeping up with inflation. And, ya know, AIG isn’t building a massive Credit Default Swap market based on auto

but its gonna be a good time to get some nice stuff on craigslist :D

Azealia Banks would like to kill Iggy Azalea?

Yeah. I hate to generalize, but you can’t help but wonder about the people who target this demographic.

Is it really worth replacing a half-decent politician with one of the worst non-politicians in history?

Trump bankrupted a casino.

Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?

Dr. Luke has always been a bit of a skeezy dude, so I wouldn't be surprised if her accusations are all true.

"Here...first, grab my prosthetic hand...yes."