
You’re right, he should be loaded into a cannon and fired into the fucking Sun.

Inject this right into my veins. 

The run-ins with the X parasite throughout Metroid Fusion.  They were such simple scenes but the tension would ratchet to ELEVEN whenever she’d show up...and not just the escape, RUN NOW AND HIDE DAMNIT! ones..even when she’d make a short cameo after you went through a specific area.  It just all came together so

Because we’re not all actually squeezed together like sardines. You can get alone time. Some of you have some really funny ideas about this place. I’m a native, so maybe I’m biased, but come on...

That this woman is from Cuba is the height of irony. Lady, you better be packing those bags then because I can easily find a whole bunch of ‘native’ white Floridians that fucking hate you on basic principle.

See now, I had to stop and think about whether this was a riff on masturbation or the notion that he’s hiding a diabetes diagnosis from all of us.  Considering his diet, this isn’t outside the margins.

They’re not going anywhere.  You want the talent and the access, you come here.  They were never going to put a place like H2Q in some second tier city and they and everyone else knows it.  Yet our dipshit Governor and boob Mayor still got fleeced.

Normally I would agree with you, but there’s just something about him that makes me think he’s just not that imaginative at all.  Dunno what it is, but I’d put money on him just being..utterly boring and unimaginative.

There’s also the fact that the Republican party has also had to use a double-tiered approach to messaging for the last 40+ years due to them having to leverage horribly regressive social issues to stay in power to get their economic wants fulfilled....e.g..The Southern/Suburban Strategy.

Nah, Ben is Ben. What you see is what you get. There’s some people that you can eyeball and say “yeah, there’s some kink behind the scenes going on there that maybe goes on behind closed doors,” but Ben ain’t it. If anything he’s an eternally repressed guy that’s conceptualized what he may have liked to have tried in

Neo-Geo gets side-car’d in this case because that console was essentially unattainable unless you had parents that could not only drop around 400+ dollars on the console and then over 200 bucks per game. It essentially was an arcade cabinet board that they shoved into an injection molded housing.

I agree with this.  SNES > Everything ever.

Fun fact: They were sorta that (along with major police departments around the country) during the 1950's and 1960's.


Their constituents generally don’t give a damn about the government working.  In fact, their constituents have been plied that the government can’t do anything right therefore it shouldn’t exist at all.

Think of it as Trump’s version of quantum superposition.

Hamilton, you’re a great writer and I always appreciate reading your pieces. I didn’t think someone could have a darker outlook than me at the moment, but you topped it.

That is not exclusive to communists.  It’s not exclusive to any specific ideology.

Some of you are still acting like Nancy Pelosi isn’t a shrewd political operative. She knows she can sit tight and she’s gonna do just that unless there’s something that gives the D’s everything...and I stress everything...we want.

Oh man, you mean it’s not prudent to make giant geopolitical decisions instinctively and without care for the consequences? Who’d have thought..