
I know these kinds of incidents are, surprisingly... exceedingly rare, but I’m still freaked out about this. This scenario is basically a scary camp fire story for anyone who really enjoys driving. It’s just so outside of range while you’re behind the wheel going along...kind of like that tragic dashcam video of the

Dan Snyder, the gift that keeps on giving in Free Agency.   I like Smith though, get that paper.

I remember that game. That was the end and even as a Giants fan I thought it was incredibly sad. I know RGIII was in an impossible position...Don’t play and the entire fanbase hates you, play and you are running high potential to destroy your future trajectory if your number comes up.

I honestly haven’t seen anything like this since the lead up to 2000 in Florida. This year was particularly bad. I mean really bad.

So the better option is to go with the totally inspiring dying remnants of the Blue-Dog faction of the party over her. Because that’s who’s got the long knives out.

I know it’s gonna sound petty but I think what bothers me most about this is it’s going to destroy this little hidden away patio bar I go to during the warm months. That makes me sad.

I guarantee you that more living breathing lefties watch Fox News’ feed than their target audience.  I’d bet any amount of money on this.

I guarantee you that more living breathing lefties watch Fox News’ feed than their target audience. I’d bet any amount of money on this.  Their Twitter presence exists to suck us on the other side in to critique what they’re doing.  It’s a twisted form of engagement.

Rick Scott has been the cancer that Florida hasn’t been able to shake, mainly because the Democratic Party apparatus in Florida is just terrible when it comes to recruiting or cultivating talent that could have a chance state wide and all of his elections have come during off years when D’s are usually pretty sleepy.

Believe it or not, that’s his actual color, he just comes over looking Voldemort-ish due to being our own Medicare defauding death eater that nobody can seem to get rid of.

That’s because you didn’t rinse and didn’t moisturize afterwards. ALWAYS MOISTURIZE, especially if you’re going to use cleaning grade detergent as a bath substitute. That stuff isn’t balanced for the PH or oil production of human skin. Palmolive had a world famous, like legendary, marketing angle on this.

Fox News’ core demographic is retired white people with moderate to high amount of assets and less than college educations.

Funny thing is, with enough door knocking she really didn’t even need much of that either.

If you’re a grognard with OCD, this is exactly what you want.


Look at it this way: You got to be at the vanguard of the games release and you also played a big part in how the game refined over time.  I mean that is something.

I think what infuriated me the most about that New York piece is every last one of those kids, save the one from Arkansas, hailed from a locale that had a median income at least a standard deviation and sometimes two, above the mean.   Every last one of them is the product of a middle-high to high income area and they

Kelley has always been least since his son died. McMaster was unwilling to bend the knee (the NYT did a great feature length story on this) and was just too outspoken and headstrong to get along with the rest of the administration.

The question we need to be asking ourselves is this:  Do we want John ‘Dime store Yosemite Sam’ Bolton as SecDef? Because if we do, we’re going to war with Iran and that will be a fucking disaster and that is exactly what will happen if Mattis doesn’t remain in the position.

Yeah you all definitely got the short end with that.  There’s nothing between 287 and 84.  Oof.