
sadly too many people vote based on beliefs and emotions

Yup. Sadly fake news is just confirmation bias and sadly too many people vote based on beliefs and emotions instead of objective facts and looking at the big picture.

Criminally underrated comment.  Those commercials are directed towards the Fox News, Trump supporter demographic though, so I bet you it works.  

European or African?

I’ve seen a few arguments here that this time around its different. For instance, 15 years ago everybody was buying body-on-frame, thirsty as fuck SUVs. This time around, everybody’s buying CR-Vs, HR-Vs, RAV-4s, etc. That V6 powered Explorer 15 years ago got 16 combined. This year the CR-V gets 27 combined.

Pretty much this. You can never afford to put all your eggs in one basket, because it takes time to change course once market conditions change.

yeah i remember stories of horse carriages dumping their horse poop on first Ford automobiles

If you park your truck in front of the chargers maliciously, you deserve to have your transmission destroyed. Consider it penance for acting on Napoleonic tendencies instead of growing a pair.

Because private industry would have gone to the moon, built the Interstate Highway System, won WW II, and ended institutional racism all by themselves, with no prompting, no enforcement, and no money from the government. Right.

Even libertarians agree governments should act when 1) there is a market failure and 2) government action will result in a better outcome than no action at all - consider military, police, roads, education, etc.

Neutral :

The same could be said for the oil industry, and yet we subsidize it. If anything, electrics should be subsidized more, with fossils being given fewer breaks.

you think they look that far ahead?  They dont even care if they burn it down for their own kids, let alone anyone else in a furutre generatons. Its all about “how much can I get right now?”

This is the REAL motivation of the Republican party. It’s why millionaires and huge corporations support them. It’s all about donations, kickbacks, tax cuts, and deregulation. If you vote Republican because you think they stand for Jesus, God, jobs, freedom, or “conservative values”, you’re being played for a sucker.

*Stares at Mitsubishi*

Unfortunately, automakers are making the things people want to buy.

Until we’re no longer running a massive deficit, our kids are paying for the stuff we’re getting for free. You can bitch and moan about taxes all you want, but your low taxes are basically just another way of asking your kids to pay for the stuff you buy. This all basically started with Reagan.

I think policy should be made as humans in humans best interests. Living an hour and a half away from your sheriff is not in anyone’s best interests. It’s significantly easier and cheaper to keep 20 people near you safe, healthy, and fed, than it is to keep 20 people 20 miles apart from everyone safe, healthy, and

Wow! 7.5s to 60. Not bad.