
Yes, if you can afford it. A second monitor has been shown to drastically increase productivity. Think about how long you stare at that tiny screen resolution all day and how much more you’ll see with a bigger screen with at least a 1920x1080 resolution.

All of it and yes it took time paying off loans, yet it was an investment for a well paying tech career, so...

What country are you in? I was in college back in the mid 90's, and was by no means “rich”, and had half that stuff - pentium desktop with two 17" crt monitors, which adjusted for inflation would be kinda similar in value. You can get so much more tech for the money today and dorm fees already include internet and

I was in college back in the mid 90's, was by no means “rich”, and had half that stuff - pentium desktop with two 17" crt monitors, which adjusted for inflation would be kinda similar. You can get so much more tech for the money today and dorm fees already include internet and power. Today I’m a multimedia dev and

yeah I don’t see any games or porn on those monitors either...

So is this meme required on every Foxtrot Alpha article?

Hey Comrade, is that your grandfather’s scuba mask?

Hey is that the Chevy Fit EV?

Honda Fits are one of the most popular selling small cars and have always looked like a micro-minvan spaceship. It’s the most space efficient layout that’s still aerodynamic.

The ideological divide between young and old, rural vs urban, and traditionalists and self sufficiency vs change and new fangled ideas isn’t that hard to see.

Oh yeah, I grew up on this. It’s typically called “banana turon” , but uses plantains instead of bananas and a slice of jackfruit.

A light weight FWD beater is not such a bad car to have. Portland Ore. is now covered in ice and my old Prelude is doing fine if driven carefully.

I have that mouse and the “remove before flight” keychain

3 yrs if I remember correclty

I used my figurines as bb-gun targets. Darn. I still have my B-wing in un-damaged condition. No pilot though.

I bent my wookie...

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe it’s an android sitting in there...

I no longer vote republican, but I’ve always felt that Rubio was the most logical / level headed one. It’s unfortunate that the two batshit crazy front runners are ahead, simply because they spout the ideology, rhetoric, and outright lies that appeal to the extreme right’s world view.

A humorous, but accurate analysis of the Tie fighter. I’d like to think it moved more with repulsor / gravity generators than “traditional engines”...

I’ve seen this same concept decades ago - except it was billed as a safety feature. An electable passenger pod with parachutes