
I personally like the idea of 4 458's. That way I can have fun driving with 3 friends, or a bonfire. Either way, good times.

Could have been worse. I was half expecting it to be like the NYC tow truck driver and just run the forks through the BMW.

I really dig the Raptor in BTTF livery.

Come on now, if the rear doors are gull-wing, the front have to be lambo/scissor if you want me and my pimpin family to roll in it.

@Kaneh_Bosm: Ray Wert promoting this is like Christmas came early.

Mark my words, if Disney can design magnetic launch systems, the "It's a Small World" is really just a testbed for miniaturization of the mechanical soldier platform.

@kibastryker: A friend has a 1/8th nitro truck and buggy still, I think... but good to know it may be a purchase that spends more time collecting dust.

I'm going to buy one of those after Christmas. I just need to come up with the apology for the wife ahead of time.

@Trizion: but seeing that desktop makes me angry as well.

Thank you for bringing a smile to my face. I'm in the process of trying to talk myself down from strangling a coworker with a keyboard cord.

So it can direct me to the ballet?

As a bald guy, I'm going to use this opportunity to discuss the new combover. Balding guys are using the faux hawk to try to cover the thinning area. Just embrace your baldness. Don't be embarrassed, it's only hair.

I love winter driving.

So I just took a hit of microdot, where's my Volvo?

I want this sooo badly it hurts.

I don't care what a scientist says. Something with big sharp teeth eats atleast a little meat.