I’m constantly amazed at my mini dachshund’s ability to not get suffocated every night.
I’m constantly amazed at my mini dachshund’s ability to not get suffocated every night.
Looks amazing. Although that Interstate battery looks a bit out of place with the NASCAR logo.
I hate summer
Most of your comment I agreed with, except this:
Because it’s tacticool.
I really liked the ‘91 EX I had for a few years (bought in 2004). The interior didn’t feel claustrophobic like many new vehicles, and it was considerably smaller than the new versions. If I could buy a low mileage, like new, ‘91 right now I would.
Jared, thanks for showing off road and lifted Subarus. I had asked for a count of lowered vs “proper” Foresters http://jalopnik.com/jared-i-would-… , but this post will suffice.
Those do look amazing. But to compare a multi thousand hp drag car that can kill you if you blink wrong to a Renegade? That’s not fair.
Somebody can work hard all day to feed their family and still be an idiot when it comes to other things.
We need GoPro proof if you get over there!
Jared, I would like a count of all the lowered Foresters, as opposed to the ones that could properly drive down a backcountry logging road.
I like the beach mat I bought in Thailand. I don’t go to the beach more than once a year, so a chair is unnecessary.
I like the beach mat I bought in Thailand. I don’t go to the beach more than once a year, so a chair is unnecessary.
It’s not a hoverboard.
Not only does it go “too high”, but it’s not a hoverboard.
But it’s NATURAL!!!
“a bigger three-row SUV for America”
My favorite body weight workout is rock climbing. Whether it’s indoor or outdoor, it can get you ripped if you climb enough. Now, I don’t climb because I want a workout, I climb because I love climbing; and I benefit from the workout as a bonus.
One of the truck drivers I used to work with (tandem axel with a van box) did just that. The truck stalled, and he had it brought back to our workplace and hour away on a flat deck. The tank was empty. His supervisor was not pleased.
The huge, articulating headrest screens take away from some of the class.