
What camera of this "style" will give you the image quality and durability for "half the price"? This is not a competitor for the Sony Nex-7, but for Leica. The image and build quality will reflect that.

But then you would have this style of camera. Future Fuji X-Pro 1 owners could say (regarding a 5D mkII) "For that kind of money I could just get another X-Pro 1 body."

The high-end point & shoot crowd wouldn't know what to do with this camera. It's for people who want a manual rangefinder, but not at Leica prices. Simple operation, built like a tank.

#1 - There's a Berbils car?

Snow tires, and I try to learn a few new curse words for the people driving 30kph in a 60 (when 50 would be more than slow enough). Seriously, you'd think people who live in Winnipeg would drive better in winter...

I looks nice and all that, but can I shoehorn a V8 into it and run 9's???

Have you tried SanDisk RescuePRO?

4/4, NBD

A Veyron owner already has the Porsche (and a few other makes), house (multiple), and land (a country's worth).

Had it gone on any longer, a hockey game might have broken out.

"Christmas is a Pagan holiday that originally had NOTHING to do with Christ's birth."

You need this...

Rob Dyrdek skates goofy, so this is a heelflip, not a kickflip.

Tampons work great for a bloody nose.

The Diva Cup works great (according to the woman I know who uses it), but there might not be clean enough water to wash it in the rural communities Muruganantham was targeting.

I know people who only skate in flimsy Vans. I don't know how they do it. They offer no more support than wearing only a thick pair of socks.

I always find it odd how people reference kids yelling swears and stuff while playing CoD. I've played BLOPS for many, many hours, and have had that experience in maybe one match. Didn't even mute him, because I thought it was hilarious.

I wasn't going to Google Loa Loa, but you left me no choice. I found a photo of a guy with a worm under the lens of his eye. Gnarly.

I remember seeing that ad in Road and Track. So sick.

McLaren F1