
'Coleman says that you, "no longer have to leave the comforts of home to enjoy the great outdoors."'

He took the photo for me? Me?!? I'm touched.

But, a massage is just a massage. I'm talking about herbal remedies that amount to nothing, acupuncture that's trying to help non-existent Qi flow through non-existent meridian lines, chiropractors that are trying to help non-existent innate intelligence flow better by fixing non-existent subluxations.

It's not the "tricking" of people that get's me all riled up (well, a little bit). It's that people rely on these procedures and products, instead of using real medicine and medical procedures, in life and death situations.

Well, of course. Anything parents do with their teen is, like, so embarrassing.

My wife and I are planning on having a kid soon, and while we would be completely happy with either a boy or girl, our preference is leaning towards a boy.

The only scientific evidence that supports it relates to the placebo effect. Nothing more.

You care about who Blair's dentist is? Or the home phone number of a random British MP of a small part of England? Or maybe G.W. Bush's home number?

Wow, 50% off and acupuncturist and herbal clinic? At least you're only wasting half of your hard-earned money...

Crossovers. Literally, it's just a big car. None of the advantages of an SUV, and worse on fuel than a regular car.

I like the look of it, but I'm far too rough on water bottles to have made of wood and glass. Although the glass liner would make it much easier to clean, and keep residual tastes to a minimum.

Why did God invent hard liquor?

Not a New England accent, but a MONOTONE ALL CAPS ACCENT.

I'll admit I've never played the MW campaign. I'll give it a try soon before I pass judgment on that one.

Throw some clear coat on there, and call the painting done.

"I think believing this is all there is kind of a depressing view"

I'll need something to haul away all of the believer's belongings...

My mom called me the other day to come change her tire. I couldn't, so my brother ended up doing it.

I'll need something to haul away all of the believer's belongings...

Not just with games. I find myself wanting to hit Apple+C and Apple+V when writing stuff down with pen and paper. It takes me a moment to remember I'm not at a keyboard.