Photography Raptor

He couldn’t even make a movie with dinosaurs interesting...and it was three-quarters of the way there already, because: dinosaurs.

Are you saying you find their lack of faith disturbing?

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I gave TFA and R1 a chance, but as I predicted the moment the Disney sale was announced, these films are just corporate trademark porn, so I’m officially done with them now. They could raise Kurosawa from the dead to direct Episode IX and I’d still stay home. Whenever I see people who were once excited to see a

I doubt it was too much voice. It definitely could have been too little.

“He was a wonderful collaborator, but we’ve decided that his ‘sandblast away all traces of charm and personality’ approach just wasn’t right for that project.

Holy shit, as I come across this comment I’m actually listening to Steely Dan on account of Beckers death. Uncanny coincidence, almost Peaks-like, haha.

Don’t forget Sarah Palmer watching the same 30 seconds of that boxing match over and over again.

And his weirdly assertive commands for Diane to kiss him in the car, and to “Come over here” felt a lot like Mr. C.

This is a really nice analysis. While I think you’re right that this isn’t the ONLY thing the show is dealing with, I don’t think you should be so dismissive of your “art about the art” reading.

In this ep The Arm repeats the phrase that Charlie unsettled Audrey with at the threshold, surely that’s significant.

Couldn’t you say that it’s not just about the show, but an existential elegy to lost time in general?

Just looking at the scene for what’s there, it’s not pointless at all. That was the face of the man who raped her, if not the man himself, so it doesn’t surprise me that she covered it with her hands. It was an extremely vulnerable, uncomfortable scene, as it should have been and illuminated Diane’s psychology

Personally, I think I really loved the ending. What was Twin Peaks about? Strip away all the lunacy and what was it about? It was about a dead girl and the FBI agent trying to solve her murder and thus symbolically save her.

Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the

Yeah, my wife and I just did a re-watch, and I stopped when Michael left. I don’t feel like I missed out on anything.

As others have noted, even when Jim is being dickish, he’s at least being dickish in a recognizably human way.

For me, the finale where Jim is Dwight’s best man and takes his duties so seriously completely erases the times he crossed the line. Dwight was also massively antagonistic to everyone in the office on a regular basis, but the finale episode showed they all had a lot of love for each other.

Post season 6 though he The Office gets really bad.

AV Club writes an article detailing a Buzzfeed Gif article. AV Club has officially gone to dogshite. I’m out, friends

Jim Halpert was never a feminist.