Photography Raptor

The original Westworld was not a great film, but it did have some interesting ideas and concepts (Crichton himself would follow those ideas with Jurassic Park of course), I can’t really say I’m surprised it become a cult-film later on.

for what it’s worth the disqus pages for all the old comments are still up

I see that many of you are still greyed and I presume that you tried to link your accounts, as I did. Fuck it, I don’t have hours to spend on this. Plus, that Chrome extension to show nested replies doesn’t work on mobile. Later.

I get the rationale. I find trolls easy to ignore and think insularity and cliquishness are larger threats to the health of the typical online community, so the cost/benefit ratio of this “pending” stuff seems highly unfavorable to me. I suspect this is a minority viewpoint.

I’m really fucking tired of the rich thinking of paying taxes as a “sacrifice.”

call for help

Don’t take it personally. I’m sure they are very busy not answering anybody’s messages.

If we’re actually going to talk about television and film, I think the new Twin Peaks series is better than the old one. It’s weirder, more terrifying and more Lynchian

* I’m meh on images: sometimes they’re nice, but sometimes they devolve into MySpace-sigblock hell.

So, what’s good about this thing? Nothing.

The comments are definitely loading a lot faster than they used to. That’s the only real positive I see so far. The main page is kind of a mess. I don’t know why some of the highest posts are from several days ago.

I don’t want to overstate the case, but this grey/ungrey caste system is the worst idea in the history of ideas.


So the very first story published after the switch to Kinja begins with:

I’m way more disappointed in the way kinja buries features and reviews than in the comment system.