
Why would anyone who owns a football watch the NFL?

It’s 15mb. Yes, it’s nice... but that would murder a site’s loading if they were peppered throughout.

Back in the 90s, our local arcade was the scene of a lot of violence. It seemed to breed violence. Unsavory people would congregate, sides were drawn, and before you knew it, Scorpion had reduced his opponent to a charred skeleton.

Nice try Kim Jong-Un!

Did you just read the headline... maybe the first paragraph... and then come down here to comment? The actual complaint is all spelled out up there.

Steam sale begins June 11th. Wait for that.

for sure, but I would recommend buying it on Steam Summer Sale that’s just around the corner
btw, IMO Fallout 3 > Skyrim > New Vegas

Cyclists and cops - two groups that often think they are above the law and are loved only by their own kind.

Vornado. Hands down. Any time a friend/roommate is about to buy a fan I loan them one of my vornados for a while (I know I sound crazy, but it’s such a damned good fan) and they’ve always wound up buying one. It moves air so well I’ve used my AC a lot less since getting them. Relatively quiet, great warranty, and just

Vornado. Hands down. Any time a friend/roommate is about to buy a fan I loan them one of my vornados for a while (I

“The accused attacker has since been arrested”

Everyone just assumes they forgot the s at the start of hit.

*cough*Alien Swarm*cough*

Half-Life Tree confirmed?

Blistex Medicated

Blistex Medicated

Not that it's very rare. But it's allways funny to see fan made videos like this that still manage to have better action scenes than DragonBall Evolution and that Chun-Li movie

Plus after he expresses his preference in Mario Kart characters "Beast Toad" just writes itself.....

Mostly it just drives me to Amazon. I can typically find a similar, if not better, item for about the same cost. I only leave the house for things I shop for online if I need it that day.