
So we shouldn't care?

It's a cold day in hell before I do

what did you expect? A hospital admitting guilt? Yeah, that’s going to happen

He he makes way more than you do


I’ve learned not to take what's written here very seriously since long ago. AV club and gizmodo in general is written by people driven by profit mot.ive

Seems to ME, should a woman show she has any sex drive of her own, she must be sex mad

And while my husband has never complained about what I spend on a personal trainer or my hair or body treatments (admittedly a lot), this is obviously different because he’s masturbating

we addicts lie

I us7ed to take more than 100 Vicodin a day, that kind

I am recovering addict with 15 years, not a great choice of venue

Hope he does well, but as a recovering addict myself, hes just diving into his old life. Been there , Done that

brands, companies, corporations arent people, cant have opinion only people are people

they never saw the Who in their prime

If you live in Queens New York the various Asian population centers all have stores that sell soy chicken

so a woman feeling `put upon is low, but a woman writer is okay with that?

she was not a whore until 300 years after she died

I was just randomly browsing when I came across this shocking site

other fat moms_

Everything’s wonderful when you don't have to pay for it